Chicago mayoral candidate hands out cash to church-goers but swears it wasn’t to buy votes – IOTW Report

Chicago mayoral candidate hands out cash to church-goers but swears it wasn’t to buy votes


Board of Elections says Wilson’s cash giveaway didn’t violate rules.

Chicago mayoral candidate Willie Wilson says he wasn’t trying to buy anyone’s vote when he handed out close to $200,000 to churchgoers.

The millionaire businessman said Sunday’s appearance at the New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church was nothing more than “one of the biggest property tax relief assistance” events of the year and the kind of thing he’s done before.

The Illinois State Board of Elections said Wilson didn’t break any campaign finance laws because the money came from his non-profit foundation.

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, himself seeking reelection, joined Wilson at New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church at the event.  MORE

20 Comments on Chicago mayoral candidate hands out cash to church-goers but swears it wasn’t to buy votes

  1. How is the construction of the holy Obama Tabernacle & Community Center coming along? What? They haven’t broke ground yet? Maybe he needs to be in Chicongo greasing palms, too.

  2. That’s the Chi-town way–is and always has been. When I went to DePaul U. in 1976, I lived on Beacon St. The loyal ward heeler tripped all over himself to take me to breakfast on election day as soon as my feet hit the street. I took him up on his offer, listened to what he had to say, thanked him and promptly walked down the street to the polling place and voted straight-ticket GOP.
    Just did what little I could.

  3. Obviously they don’t just buy votes for money they just pay the po folks who vote democrap bribe money. Isn’t that the same thing? I wonder how much they give away in order to get their homies to continue voting for them? $10, $20,maybe $50 if it’s for a special occasion like a Presidential election. Between that and EBT cards and welfare for life they have these losers caught hook, line and sinker.

  4. How is this different than how it always worked in the Dark Continent?

    Same shit, different era, different continent … oh, and RAYCISM!

  5. “The Illinois State Board of Elections said Wilson didn’t break any campaign finance laws because the money came from his non-profit foundation.”

    WTF?! That’s like saying as long as a rapist is running for office, it’s not really rape.

    You’re a candidate and you’re handing out money!!!

    Yeah, yeah, Chicago. I know.

  6. “The Illinois State Board of Elections said Wilson didn’t break any campaign finance laws because the money came from his non-profit foundation.”


    They are illuminating how even an obvious bribe can be deemed legal in Chitcongo.

  7. “Jim Allen, the spokesperson for the Chicago Board of Elections, said because the election cycle has yet to formally start, technically there are no candidates for mayor. Candidates can’t even file petitions until Aug. 28.”
    So, what: A private citizen can’t be charitable?
    This is the left’s version of Trump… giving away his own money and pissing off the opposition AND his own party. Heh.
    Best line in WGN’s coverage is from Scott Winslow, spokesperson for Wilson’s (supposedly nonexistent) campaign: “Why isn’t Rahm giving money to the poor people of Illinois?”


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