Chicago Police Clash With Violent Rioters Trying to Take Down Statue of Columbus – IOTW Report

Chicago Police Clash With Violent Rioters Trying to Take Down Statue of Columbus

100% Fed Up:

While Chicago murders skyrocket, the BLM “protesters” are focusing on a statue of Christopher Columbus. This is evidence that black lives don’t matter to these people. If they cared about the black lives being snuffed out every day in Chicago, they would march on the neighborhoods to demand safety and security for the residents.

Windy City Weather and News is reporting that ‘protestors’ in Grant Park are ‘throwing bottles, bricks, and fireworks at the police by the Columbus statue.’  Fireworks can be heard going off along with obscenities shouted at police. more

15 Comments on Chicago Police Clash With Violent Rioters Trying to Take Down Statue of Columbus

  1. You really don’t know how self-absorbed and crazy these people are until you actually have a conversation with one of them. Forget how sad it is how narcissistic and weird people they’ve allowed themselves to be cultivated into: they REALLY have chips on their shoulders. (Many with daddy issues up the wahzoo.)

    Sadness aside, they are very dangerous, and wholly sociopathic. Great commie genocidal maniacs in waiting.

    We CANNOT back down an inch: we must crush their violence.

  2. Since when is throwing large rocks and bricks at police not “a threat to life” answerable with deadly force?

    We’re going to need chain guns and flame throwers before this is over.

    And bulldozers.

  3. Notice how these cities police are now suddenly “allowed” to respond to protesters. I saw that the Portland police made a limp-wristed effort a couple of days before POTUS Trump sent in the feds, too. And Seattle did the same thing.

  4. Where is Mayor Lightfoot in all of this? That’s right, trying (unsuccessfully) to embarrass Kayleigh MacEnany rather than doing her job.

    You voted for her Chicago, now you get to live with it.


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