Chicago police release video footage of protests at Columbus statue – IOTW Report

Chicago police release video footage of protests at Columbus statue

h/t  AbigailAdams

Officials say videos released Monday show a group of demonstrators bringing projectiles and preparing to confront police during a protest at the statue of Christopher Columbus in downtown Chicago which turned violent Friday night.


7 Comments on Chicago police release video footage of protests at Columbus statue

  1. I don’t have anything like this happening in my area but maybe soon who knows.
    If I did I would go and watch for the violent ones, single one out and stalk him until he separated to leave the area and do him great bodily harm. In fact I would encourage other to join me and do the same. If enough of them get hurt it could change the game.

  2. Wild Bill — So far as I’ve heard, this is exactly what POTUS Trump’s federal police investigators are doing; poring (pouring?) over every scrap of video, pictures, social media they can get their hands on in order to ID anyone involved directly or indirectly. This is why the Democrats are going apeshit and trying their hardest to accuse POTUS of gestapo tactics against these “poor, honest, freedom-loving, 1st A. loving, “mostly peaceful” protesters.

    From an interview I heard yesterday with one of the directors of that effort, it sounds like they are going to get their man (ok, soy boy). When asked by the interviewer, “Will you guys have to stand down if the local authorities tell you to?” He said (while laughing a gut laugh): “Are you kidding? Under THIS president?!”

  3. …I had a broken eye socket once, got it when I was a yellow belt in TKD and a black belt didn’t use enough restraint while kicking my happy second-level phitz with a beautiful crecent kick.

    Or so I’m told, I didn’t see it. Obviously.

    I didn’t know it was more than pain until I went to blow my nose later, and it popped out a sac of air on my forehead. Seems the shattered socket connected my sinuses in a way God didn’t intend, and the ER doc was impressed by. Couldn’t do much to stabilize either, can’t cast your face, just don’t blow your nose or rub your eye and hope God points it in the right direction when it knits. That, and a butt ton of paperwork saying why there was no police report for a face kick to the insurance company, and all was well.

    But that was a risk I willingly took with someone who was NOT trying to kill me.

    It’s easy to say “they signed up for this”, but no, they did NOT. No one was told when they took their Oath that their City would sell them out, that they would not be permitted to defend themselves, that mobs would be sent against them TRAINED AND ORGANIZED AND DEFENDED BY HALF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to use THEM as political footballs and have THEM fired and arrested if they defend themselves and to free ANY attacker they dare arrest as the City who’s flag they wear on their shoulder stabs them in the BACK because, politics.

    And yet they beyond all sense remain true to their oath and continue to defend the very politicians who sell them out, doxx them, put their families at risk, and would arrest THEM if they DARE do their jobs.

    Honestly, I am amazed that no group of LEOS has not turned at bay and set up a firing line against their attackers in extremis, in fear for their very LIVES.

    …although the Soroses, Ellisons, and Pelosis of this world would not care that their useful idiots got so slaughteted, either, in fact they are HOPING for it. Just more bloody shirts for them to wave.

    Civil War is here, we’ve already had not ONE, but a DOZEN Fort Sumters by enslaving Democrats as of old.

    When do we unleash OUR Army? This is as bizarre as though McClellan formed up the Grand Army of the Republic for the express purpose of protecting the South from Abolitionists, and after firing on John Brown said they’d do the same to Grant and Meade even as the Southernors shoot them from behind…

    …I keep hoping the Police find a self-preservation instict somewhere, at LEAST enough to refuse unlawful orders to disarm people ON THEIR SIDE.

    …but so far, a forlorn hope is all it remains…

  4. I heard another interview today — can’t remember where — that using umbrellas has become a thing for antifa and their cohorts — not just here but around the world. So if you see a kid carrying an umbrella (I think green or black are their choice), snap a pic of him/her. Chances are good the idiot is antifa, etc.

  5. Brown was Chief in Dallas before Shitcago. I never cared much for him until he redeemed himself after seven Dallas Officers were killed by one of the feral trash. SWAT cornered him in a parking garage and Brown authorized SWAT to drive a bomb disposal robot next to him with a pound of C-4 attached to it’s arm. The robots metal arm pierced that trash like a beer can.

  6. I agree with Anonymous above, track the Antifa scumbags to their cars (along with the BLM white liberals) and neutralize them whether they be male or female. Destroy enough of them and their (bowel) movement will collapse like they do when Mommy tells them to go get a job.


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