Chicago Police Station Closed and Cleaned Due to Scabies – IOTW Report

Chicago Police Station Closed and Cleaned Due to Scabies

Asylum-seeking migrants were housed at the station.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that before the COVID-19 pandemic, I reported on the typhus outbreaks in the Los Angeles area. The root cause of those outbreaks was the exploding rat population associated with homeless encampments. It is spread through the bite of fleas that live on rats and mice.

Los Angeles police station had to decontaminate its offices due to the infestations in their surrounding area.

Now, a Chicago police station on the city’s Northwest Side was closed for a deep cleaning after a case of scabies was reported at the station. more

11 Comments on Chicago Police Station Closed and Cleaned Due to Scabies

  1. I stayed at a Hampton Inn in Dallas three years ago and got this. Caused a ruckus as I was accused of whoring around, which I did not(do not) do. Found out these things contaminate bed linens and guess that’s where they were.

    One more thing to worry about, besides the fall of western civilization.

  2. Before I retired, our IT department brought in dozens of green card people who were not the cleanest ones around. Would use their hands instead of utensils at the cafeteria. The restroom had to be fumigated 3 times in one year. I got a bad case of scabies because my desk was next to a conference room and they would take my chair because the conference room didn’t have enough chairs. I finally got a stranded cable and padlock to tie my chair to my desk. They lost the company more money than their cheap salaries saved them. They were the ‘clean’ ones compared to what’s coming in today.


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