Chicago: Protesters demand Mayor Emanuel’s resignation for prioritizing illegals over citizens – IOTW Report

Chicago: Protesters demand Mayor Emanuel’s resignation for prioritizing illegals over citizens

BPR: Democratic Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel received backlash, on “Fox & Friends” Friday, for favoring illegal immigrants over American citizens.

Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell attended a Thursday protest in Chicago, where citizens marched against gun violence and demanded Emanuel’s resignation.

“Honestly, the residents of Chicago are fed up with Rahm Emanuel’s inaction,” Caldwell said. “In addition they are fed up with the violence. They don’t see any change.”

Caldwell interviewed protesters in the crowd and one of them called Emanuel a “con man” who wants to “keep black folks divided.” Another protester said the city is headed for financial ruin, while another took issue with Emanuel giving preferential treatment to illegal immigrants.  more here

11 Comments on Chicago: Protesters demand Mayor Emanuel’s resignation for prioritizing illegals over citizens

  1. did you say roast chicken? i do loves me some roasted chickens. i’ll have 2 please. and i needs me some flour tortillyas wit dat. Mm mm.

    what day is it? i du no. how many peoples has been shot? 18.
    oh, ok.
    it’s Tuesday.

  2. Oh puleeze. Gun violence and how many (I’ve lost count) deaths, the majority of which are never prosecuted (snitches get stitches), have been a plague on the city for how many years, and they’re just now taking to the streets in protest of illegal immigrants?

    They’ll just vote in another mob connected democrat. Nothing will change.


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