Chicago Protesters Target Black Friday for the 2nd Year in a Row – IOTW Report

Chicago Protesters Target Black Friday for the 2nd Year in a Row

Fox news insider: It appears the Black Friday protest on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile is happening for the second year in a row.

Hundreds of demonstrators demanding a better relationship between the police and the community gathered Friday morning to march through the famous shopping district.

They are protesting what they call the city’s failure to implement an elected police oversight council in the wake of the police shooting of an African-American teen last year.

Thousands turned out for a similar Black Friday protest last year, shutting down much of the area on the busiest shopping day of the year.

The goal of protesting on Black Friday is to confront “the corporate bosses of Chicago, and this nation, who have their hands on all the levers of power,” the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression said in a statement.

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SNIP: So they’re just going to continue ignoring black on black crime?

7 Comments on Chicago Protesters Target Black Friday for the 2nd Year in a Row

  1. I’m sure the retailers that depend on holiday shoppers & shopping for up to 80%+ of their yearly sales are just so gosh darned happy you’re being such fucking dicks.

    Why not start throwing garbage cans through their windows for that extra special holiday touch? I’m sure the police will just stand back for the incoming.

  2. Wait…..what??? The protesters are protesting the STORES because the CITY won’t appoint a civilian oversight committee to create better relations between the POLICE and the COMMUNITY?

    Teh Stoopid is strong with these.

  3. Deplorable B Woodman
    “Wait…..what??? The protesters are protesting the STORES because the CITY won’t appoint a civilian oversight committee to create better relations between the POLICE and the COMMUNITY?

    Teh Stoopid is strong with these.”

    The protesters don’t care either way, it’s all fun. They’re just following orders.

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