Chicago Ranked Most Corrupt City in America – IOTW Report

Chicago Ranked Most Corrupt City in America


A report by the University of Illinois claims Chicago is the most corrupt city in America, according to a WGN 9 article published Thursday.

“The report is based on data from the justice department, which looked at public corruption convictions between 1976 and 2019,” the outlet said.

In that time period, the city had almost 1800 convictions, more than Los Angeles which had the second highest. New York came in third.

The university’s annual report, co-authored by professor Dick Simpson, also said Illinois is the third-most corrupt state, according to WTTW.

The outlet continued:

25 Comments on Chicago Ranked Most Corrupt City in America

  1. This falls into the category of “Dog Bites Man” type news. Who didn’t know this already? However giving credit where credit is due, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle are all making great strides towards knocking Chicago out of their long held, and proud First Place!

  2. The picture of that Chicago mayor just saved my life.
    After a hard three and a half hours, I was about to dial 9-1-1, but one look at that scary face and I got as soft as a Twinkie.

    Thank you iOTWReport.

  3. Where the corrupt are more successful at avoiding prosecution, they’re less corrupt?
    That doesn’t make sense.
    Their metric is skewed.

    Maybe they should look at how much tax money is siphoned off?
    Or how many bribes are made to politicians?

    But prosecutions? That will always fall inordinately on cities with predominantly negro administrations because of the inherent racism of the judiciary … yo …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Corruption is in every fiber of Chicago. It’s not just in the politics, it’s in every resident of that city. From the Mayor right down to the garbage collector. From the millionaire down to the panhandlers. The entire system is structured on ‘The Take’. Everyone is gaming the system and especially that bug eyed creature in the mayors office. In Chicago it is a lifestyle. NO-ONE does business in Chicago w/o paying something on the side. It is who they are. They know it and you should too. Think back to Star Trek and Deep Space Nine when the writers introduced the ‘Ferengi’, those greedy alien antagonistic species on the Enterprise. THAT, is the typical Chicagoan right there.

  5. You can’t really measure corruption on a scale when everybody and everything is for sale. Or there is always somebody who needs to dip their beak.

    and then you get a lightweight in charge who is in so far over her head, the corruption becomes brazen and in your face audacious.


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