Chicago Residents Tear Down Fences To Get Into Locked Down City Parks – IOTW Report

Chicago Residents Tear Down Fences To Get Into Locked Down City Parks

The Federalist: A protest erupted in Lincoln Park in Chicago on Sunday. Attendees tore down fences and entered the park despite the restrictions Mayor Lori Lightfoot put in place. But there were no signs. No chanting slogans. Even the protesters didn’t admit they were protesting.

Chicago, like many cities, has been under a shelter-in-place order since the middle of March. Not content with shutting down businesses, Lightfoot and the Chicago Police Department closed down our most popular parks, including Lincoln Park, after a nice day drew crowds to the lake.

That day, I went for a run through downtown Chicago then up to the south end of Lincoln Park. The park was fenced off, along with some entrances blocked by heavy wooden slats and the sidewalk by plastic webbing. One runner, from inside the fence, told me why: “I know a couple weeks ago it was pretty packed in here. That’s when the fences went up.”

Chicago Residents Didn’t Put up with Park Closures

Clay Stroup, a resident of the Lincoln Park neighborhood, described on Facebook what had been happening that day, saying, “Cops are parked at common entry areas. They are watching people jump the fences, even snapping pictures on their cell phones (probably to show their buddies). A fence gets knocked down, a city worker is called to put it back up. Then someone makes a hole in the fence. The hole slowly gets bigger, until someone comes along … and just rips the entire thing open. Then everyone starts using the opening until a city worker comes by to patch it up again. And round and round we go.” read more

23 Comments on Chicago Residents Tear Down Fences To Get Into Locked Down City Parks

  1. The overreach has motivated people to ignore the politicians. The number giving them the finger achieved critical mass this weekend. Tomorrow will be a free for all.

    Had they acted prudently this never would have happened. They ain’t putting the Genie back in the bottle now. They have destroyed their own legitimacy thorough their actions.

  2. They ought to pick May 7th, victory over fascist Nazi Germany day, to go all out to force open the parks. Sure that date is a Thur. But they won’t be missing work that day, will they?

    Might not be a better date to show they still have the will, and tenacity to fight fascism.

  3. @ Geoff the aardvark May 2, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    I caught the 4 and 6 year old heading out the door with their Daisy BB gun and bow and one broken arrow that they found in the garage on Friday. Thank God I keep their ammo locked up in the safe or they would have had me out gunned.

    Our gun club has been shut down for two months and they are taking matters into their own hands. It’s a Goddamn 66 acre property and outdoors for Christ’s sake.

    You damn a right the natives has been getting restless. They are on the warpath and what they lack in size they make up for in savage ferocity. They have had enough of being cooped up and are in a fightin mood.

  4. FWIW, two of our favorite RV parks have told Inslee to go pound sand. They are packed. I talked with them yesterday when a friend tipped me off. Two different counties and both counties told them to manage their own affairs as they see fit and let their guests manage theirs.


  5. Next Lightbox may close the sidewalks, throw tarps over statues, and erect solid fences to prevent people from seeing Lake Michigan. People gotta learn to obey!

  6. Oh dear, FDR you were there for much of the show and I wasn’t even a thought yet. May 8th is indeed VE Day.

    [Nazi Germany surrenders, May 7, 1945 ]
    On this day in 1945, Gen. Alfred Jodl, representing the German High Command, signed a document unconditionally surrendering all German military forces, to take effect the following day, thereby all but ending World War II in Europe.

    I was just going by the earliest date surrender was signed, not the date it took effect. Or is celebrated in the USA. .

    Then there’s the Red Army, which probably destroyed 80% of the Wehrmacht Heer (Army), which says they surrendered May 8th, taking effect on May 9th. Which is the date they celebrate the end of the war.

    ” [When did World War II end officially in Europe? It depends on whom you ask].

    A series of German military surrenders throughout the Continent, culminating in two “official” capitulations two days apart, resulted in “Victory in Europe Day” being celebrated May 8 in the U.S. and Western countries, and May 9 in Russia and some former countries of the Soviet Union….

    Most European nations consider May 8 as the day when the Germans signed an unconditional surrender document in Reims, France. But Russia and several other nations celebrate May 9, the date when the “instruments of surrender” were signed in Berlin….

    On May 6, Doenitz sent his army commander, Gen. Alfred Jodl and von Friedeburg to Gen. Dwight Eisenhower’s supreme Allied headquarters in Reims, France, to negotiate the surrender of all the German forces…“The German aim … was to stall for a few days….“But it was in vain. Eisenhower saw through the game,….

    Jodl and von Friedeburg consulted with Doenitz, who realized he had no choice and told them to accept Eisenhower’s demand. They returned to Reims on May 7 and signed the surrender documents effective at 23:01 hours the following day, May 8th. .

    I’d prefer to see the Chicago mayor accept surrender May 7th. We can celebrate it on May 8th as the day it takes effect. In sync with VE Day.

  7. Local Chicago media tried to cover it up but news got out Gov Pricksters wife got out to Florida.
    People like Lightfoot, De Blasio, Pritzker HELL even Chris Cuomo have shown the people their HYPOCRISY. Rules for THEE not ME.
    So HOW not that serious IS COVID-19?
    The people have had ENOUGH!

  8. In 2 Days, It will be Sikco De Mayo.

    I am patiently waiting to see how the “Natives” behave in California, LA, Arizona, …

    In France there have been riots and arson on a very regular basis in “migrant worker” parts of the city.
    (sources: mainstream & You tube media)

  9. Madam Lightfoot wears gestapo boots. Science shows no difference between locked down and not locked outcome citizen’s, Locked down citizens do not develop herd immunity like the others do. Dr. Fauci fooked up!!

    OOPs! Extirpates


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