Chicago Schools Placating the Mentally Ill- But It Gets Worse – IOTW Report

Chicago Schools Placating the Mentally Ill- But It Gets Worse

Chicago schools has issued an edict – you go along with whatever a freak tells you they are, and use the pronoun they demand, or you will “suffer consequences.”

Not only that, you must never tell anyone that the freak is demanding to be called a certain pronoun.


Oh, it’s Thursday. Call me Jack.

In other words, some self-centered prig can demand you call him Caitlyn at school, and you can’t divulge this information to the parents.

You do that and you’ll “suffer the consequences.”

When did this ultra-minority of nutbags gain this much influence?

Story at The Daily Caller.

15 Comments on Chicago Schools Placating the Mentally Ill- But It Gets Worse

  1. I am kinda glad the Leftists in the Obama Administration are pulling this crap now during an election year.

    I hope that some of the few legitimate journOlists that are out there stick microphones into every Democrat politician’s face and ask them if they are okay with men using the ladies room.

    If the Republicans fail to use this as a response to the Democrats’ ‘War on Women’ meme (along with the women in combat issue), then they deserve to lose.

    This is an act of war on women, on families with girls in high school, on sanity in general.

    This is a sick perverted Obama joke on all of us.

  2. My guess is that while some of the ‘other than straight’ people are among the loudmouths, many if not most are straight people who just want to control you, to shove this crap down our throats and insist we say ‘yum’.
    I know a couple of transgender identity people, however you wish to address them. Both male by birth. One in our office does quietly use the womens’ restroom, and it isn’t a problem as he is not a threat – if he were we would do something about it. The other, whom I have known through church youth (he is now 21) was always brash, but I don’t see him pushing to use womens’ restrooms. He does identify as a lesbian and has a girlfriend. I don’t keep in close touch with him, hope he gets the psychological support he needs instead of just holding up how ‘brave’ he is.


    “My health insurance covers the cost of hormones and sex reassignment surgery, if I choose that. It doesn’t cover facial feminization surgery, which some say is even more important to mental health, and even physical safety. I avoid using the restroom in public, when I can…. Many parents are concerned about their girls using the same restroom with an adult trans woman in public. I understand the source of the fear. We want children to be safe from danger, perceived or real, but I know of no trans woman who has ever attacked anyone in a restroom. Sadly, transgender folks get attacked, plenty.”

  4. The issue is only marginally the transgender people themselves.
    The issue is that this gives cover to the perverts that take advantage of the rules to abuse women.
    – And I do NOT want the football team showering with my daughter or nieces – even as a prank.

  5. How far will Chairman Mao take this bullshit before there is real revolt? This is so unconstitutional it’s not even humorous.

    These assholes claim they are the party of science but I have yet to see them follow anything except insanity.

  6. Time to start making people disappear — quietly, per The Four Esses: Suppressor, SHoot, Shovel, Silence.
    I’m not talking about the Freques and Geeks, I’m talking about the Tyrants who issue the Rules-and-Regulations-that-are-not-Laws-but-Must-Be-Obeyed-Anyway.

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