Chicago Sun-Times needs your money – IOTW Report

Chicago Sun-Times needs your money


By John Ruberry.

Don’t be fooled, the Chicago Sun-Times wants subscriptions to peddle its side of the story, not yours.

A week ago the Chicago Sun-Times began a high-profile begging campaign with a white splash–a blank sheet of paper–as its front page to draw attention to an op-ed, “Imagine Chicago without the Sun-Times: An urgent appeal.”

Or, the editorial could be titled, give us money or the Sun-Times will shut down.

“Until now, we’ve offered our online content for free. But we can no longer afford to operate our business this way,” the Sun-Times said in that plea. “Imagine our city without our headlines,” it continues. “Without our journalists to tell your side of the story.”

Your side?

My side?

Since then I’ve noticed three follow-ups, including two columns–my guess is they were ordered by Sun-Times brass to write them–by Richard Roeper and Neil Steinberg. This morning on Fox Chicago’s Flannery Fired Up, the Sun-Times’ managing editor, Chris Fusco, along with James Warren, who held the same job at the competing Chicago Tribune, pleaded the case for online Sun-Times subscriptions, which the host, Mike Flannery, endorsed as he told the pair that he had just signed up.

Warren said of the current owners of the newspaper, “They’re severely undercapitalized.”

Who owns the Chicago Sun-Times? A consortium of left-leaning investors, including a former Chicago alderman and failed Democratic candidate for governor, along with the Chicago Federation of Labor, which is an umbrella group of local unions. The CFL’s executive board is heavy with public-sector union bosses.  keep reading

13 Comments on Chicago Sun-Times needs your money

  1. gee … guess there’s no money to be made in a product that no one want to buy … let alone smell …
    capitalism is really not that hard to understand … create a product that people want to buy or go you out of business … even the Chinese get it …
    libtards insist that you should be grateful to be ordered to fork over your money to accept their wonderful ‘gifts’ to ‘the workers’

  2. Used to be (back before the dinosaurs became fossil fuel) “The Trib” was the other voice. Not anymore. Perhaps even more left leaning than the Suntimes if that’s possible.

    Friend wife used to want the Sunday Trib for the ads, but we don’t even bother with that anymore. Pay a buck and a half or more depending where you get it for just advertising???

    They still have Kass, but that’s about the only thing worth reading in the entire paper. Perhaps the couple of “adivce” columns can be amusing, but you then have the important articles like “How to come out” explaining to your children that your gay and other EXTREMELY important instructions on how to raise you children and how you should THINK about everything.

    And yes I’m thinking that most if not all of the rest of their staff is also in desperate need of counseling… But then most of the shrinks out there would label me the sick one…

  3. Yep, there’s nothing that could please me more than saving a hostile, progressive, mismanaged, underfunded, group of enablers, who have continually endorsed, contributed a progressive/socialist agenda, and cover up political corruption in Chicago for over 70 years.

    Just imagine not having the Sun Times. Come to think of NOT HAVING the sun times excites me even more..

  4. Attention; Chicago Sun-Times

    ‘The check’s in the mail’

    And if you believe that….I have some beach front property in Arizona for sale.

    Well, that’s half true, I really do have property for sale in Arizona.

  5. I was at a diner last week and read the Slum-Times for the first time in years. It’s long been leftie. But this time it was SHOCKING. Page after page after page, column after article and opinion item, it was DRIPPING with loony left venom.

  6. They’re throwing free copies of the Atlanta Journal in the driveway now. Got to keep those big presses running 24/7 to make money and keep the press crews employed. But nobody can tell the lefties that their two favorite technologies, the offset press and the railroad, like their political beliefs, are now relics of the 19th century. Pretty strange for people who hate the past.

  7. Hm… that gives me an idea. ad blocking while visiting the Shitcago Sun-Times. yep, works great no ads = no revenue 😎
    uBlock Origin
    HTTPS Everywhere
    Privacy Badger
    No Coin
    all extensions running on Firefox 52.7.3 esr
    suck on that rahm capone
    Paul Vallas for Mayor 2018
    Chicago Sun-Times
    The Hardest-Working Paper in America = Toilet paper

  8. Cancelled my lefty local paper 6 months ago and guess what – haven’t really missed it – if I want a dose of politics there’s always Sean Hannity or Greg Gutfeld.

    After all, papers and journalists taught us politics was opinion only, right?


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