Chicago: U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ grandson killed over sneakers – IOTW Report

Chicago: U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ grandson killed over sneakers

AmericanMirror: Not even the life of a black congressman’s grandson matters in the city of Chicago.

Homicide Watch Chicago reports:

Jovan Wilson, the teenage grandson of U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, was shot to death over what police called an argument over sneakers in his Englewood home Friday evening. The shooting happened about 6:45 p.m. in the 5600 block of South Princeton, according to Chicago Police.

David’s office confirmed the death.

According to a statement from Davis, 15-year-old Wilson was home “when two people broke in, started arguing with the boy and then shot him in the head.”  read more

22 Comments on Chicago: U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ grandson killed over sneakers

  1. He wondered, “What could have prevented this tragedy? Better education, more supervision after school activity. Better parenting.”

    Maybe a flush of the nigga cultural toilet would be a good start.

  2. One less breeder, EBT card holder, 1 less free Obamaphone, no free college, and no more Nikes for him. The two bastards will get probation and back on the streets to kill more blacks–maybe for their Skittles and Cheetos next time around.

  3. Another unfortunate whose total self worth and identity is tied up in a fucking pair of sneakers. I know, I know, he was working six jobs to support his single mother and planning to enter law school as soon as sales of his new ‘rap’ CD caught on, and …………….. now, as a newly minted saint he sits at the right hand of our father.

  4. It would be interesting to see the full report of this killing. I wonder whether it’s a case of the two assailants got to their gun before the victim got to his. His Granddaddy is babbling on blaming everything in sight (especially the so called culture of gun violence) but conveniently forgetting the culture of Black violence against their own and everyone else. I wonder where the good congressman was when his grandson was growing up in this cesspool.

  5. You just gotta wonder about the sanity of someone who thinks the government can fix a culture filled with sociopathic idiots who think it’s reasonable to murder someone over a pair of goddamn ugly ass shoes.

    In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the brilliance of the government that helped feed this kind of depravity in the first place.

  6. I’ll say the same here as I did on a friend’s FB post when he posted this story the other day: Dammit, if only they had gun control laws in Chicago that would have prevented this!

  7. What struck me was the Congressman DIDN’T call for gun control. Instead he suggested what needs to be accomplished, an attitude adjustment to lower crime. Shame it happened, but not surprised considering the area.

  8. I watched a special on Africa a few years ago, and, would you believe it? In parts of the Atlas Mountains, Eritrea, and the desert areas of the North, they’d kill you for your fucking shoes, too!
    (if they really wanted a reason – but they would take your shoes after killing you)

    “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”

    So much for civilizing the savage.

    Putting a beast – say … a Sasquatch – into an evening gown – neither civilizes it nor makes it beautiful – best to leave it in its natural habitat.

    izlamo delenda est …

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