Chicago Voters Reject New Tax Hike – Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Chicago Voters Reject New Tax Hike – Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Trump Supporters

GP: The city of Chicago just tried and failed to raise taxes. The city claimed it wanted the extra revenue to address the growing homeless problem.

Voters in the famously blue city rejected the idea resoundingly in a vote.

Mayor Brandon Johnson tried to blame the failure on the city’s Trump supporters. Would these be the same Trump supporters who attacked Jussie Smollett? more

21 Comments on Chicago Voters Reject New Tax Hike – Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Trump Supporters

  1. Well you can blame it on Trump, but everyone knows it is really a vote of no confidence. The people are tired of throwing more and more money at things and only getting more problems and debt for their efforts. They no longer have any confidence in Chicago politicians spending their money responsibly!

    Like all democRATz!

  2. “We can take care of these problems if we just more money”
    People are tire of that broken fukkin record just as they are tired of having to pay for problems created by the same politicians.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste
    Don’t have a good crisis?
    Make one!
    Over and over and over again!!

  3. That reminds me, we just got a letter from the city of Houston saying that our water rates were going up an average of 9%. Funny how when governments raise their prices on things, it is to cover added costs. When businesses raise their prices, it is because of greedy price gouging.

  4. You want more tax money for more homeless shelters? Welllll….get the mooney from the homeless. Oh….wait. The homeless don’t earn income, so they don’t pay taxes. And most likely, if they DID earn income,they wouldn’t be homeless. And if you continue to pilfer more tax money from the serfs, they’ll be homeless as well.


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