Chicago Will Host 2024 DNC Convention – IOTW Report

Chicago Will Host 2024 DNC Convention

CTH: The Democrat National Committee (DNC) has selected Chicago, Illinois, as the location for the 2024 convention. Joe Biden called Governor JB Pritzker earlier this morning and informed him of the selection.

It’s an interesting development as most of the betting money would have predicted the Democrat convention toward Atlanta, Georgia.  However, if you factor in the unspoken influence and importance of Chicago Jesus, et al,… well, then things take a more fulsome background.

According to the Chicago Sun Times the United Center will be the primary venue for nomination events and daytime business will be conducted at the McCormick Place Convention Center.  The DNC convention is scheduled for August 19-22, 2024. MORE

22 Comments on Chicago Will Host 2024 DNC Convention

  1. It will be interesting to watch this, and compare it to the ’68 DildoCrat convention, when Daley was Mayor of Chicago.
    ’68, hippies and yippies, the Chicago Eight, riots, teargas and trunchions.
    ’24, PantyFags and #BurnLootMurder, riots and burning….and then what?

  2. Sippin’ Coffee, I was just showing my son the Mark 1 trench knife last night. That discussion went on to how a bunch of rifles, revolvers, and pistols function.

  3. Tonight we went over the lever action carbine. And the single shot exposed hammer 12 gauge.

    I know it seems like a lot to cover, but I likened it to guitars. There are acoustic 6 strings, and acoustic 12 strings, and electric stuff like Gibsons and Fenders with different scale lengths… but they all really do the same thing. Carburettors all do the same shit in different ways, too. Don’t focus on the differences. Focus on the commonalities. The rest will fall into place.

  4. It could’ve been worse, like holding the 24 democrap convention in San Francisco. Good luck with that and Chicago’s new black commie Mayor and barry somewhere hiding in the background manipulating this freak show. Will brain dead joey even be still alive a year from now or will it be his clone or worse Gavin Newsome?

  5. As much as I despise Biden, I pray that God will divinely protect him while he’s in Ireland and that the IRA or some other terrorist group doesn’t try to kill him. The last thing that we need is for the left to turn joey into a martyr in order to further their total control of America. I hate the left, they’ll do anything in order to maintain their power.

  6. I used to live a couple blocks from United center. It’s not far from the loop (business district), and there’s really no shootings/crime in the area. The DNC would have been much better suited farther south at McCormick Place, just off MLK drive, where the average person can’t figure out how to pull up his pants.


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