Chicago Will Not Allow High School Students to Graduate Without Proof of Future Plans – IOTW Report

Chicago Will Not Allow High School Students to Graduate Without Proof of Future Plans

Breitbart: Chicago Public Schools will soon require students graduating from high school to show proof of what they plan to do after graduation.

Students graduating from any public high school in Chicago must show proof of a job offer, an acceptance letter to college, an apprenticeship for a trade, enlistment in the military, or a gap year program, the Washington Post reported.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who got the idea from former Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan, said he wants the third-largest school system in the U.S. not only to guide students through K-12 schooling but also guide them to their paths post-graduation.

“We are going to help kids have a plan, because they’re going to need it to succeed,” he said. “You cannot have kids think that 12th grade is done.”

Chicago’s Board of Education approved the requirement in May, and it will take effect beginning in 2020, making Chicago’s school system the first large city school district to require high school graduates to have post-graduation plans.  read more

28 Comments on Chicago Will Not Allow High School Students to Graduate Without Proof of Future Plans

  1. Here’s my post graduation plan, I’m going to get a job, which I am not going to show you ANY proof of, and everyday after work, I’m going to park my butt in front of Rahm Emmanuel’s house with a giant sign that says, “F*ck You, Rahm! I live in America!”

  2. So, Chicago believes they have a legally enforceable possessory interest in those young adults?

    I would have thought that ended with the Thirteenth Amendment.

    This stupidity is going to make lots of law firms a huge pile of money.

  3. Post graduation steps:

    #1. Leave Chicago
    #2. Leave Illinois
    #3. Acquire education and experience elsewhere
    #4. Forget my Chicago Illinois past
    #5. Opportunities become available
    #6. Follow an opportunity

  4. The irony is in the treatment the kids have been given the past 13 years. Crappy education, then a demand that you show you have a promising future? All you can do is laugh – at them, not with them. And get the hell out if you actually care about your future.

  5. C- Senior: Dad, I’m thinkin’ a goin’ into organized crime. Lotta money in that.

    Dad: Government or private sector?

    C- Senior: Not sure, whadda you think?

    Dad: Government son, they never go to jail.

  6. Ummmmmmm, doesn’t the school system have an obligation to graduate students at a functional level of accomplishment? When was the last time the Chicago school system actually failed a kid for non performance and was made take the grade over again? Doesn’t that have to happen first before you axe barely functional idiots whut their future plans look like?

  7. The must be proud of having a sprinkling of students that actually lasted until high school without a toe tag. The extent of the students range of skills are limited to a calculator and weight scales.

  8. Gee, that’s gonna cause a lot of red tape. Someone will have to process the forms, determine each form’s validity, perform follow-up assessments in 6 months to see if each plan is actually being pursued, etc. Where will the school board find all the extra manpower to accomplish such a monumental ta— Well, looky here! I just found a whole mess of new high school graduates looking for jobs!

    It’s amazing how some problems just fix themselves.

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