Chicago woman gouges carjacker’s eyes – IOTW Report

Chicago woman gouges carjacker’s eyes

CWB: An armed man got more than he bargained for in Bucktown on Saturday when the 61-year-old woman he tried to carjack fought back by jamming her fingers into his eyes and scratching his face, police said.

He gave up and sped away in the car he arrived in — only to return with some friends a few hours later to carjack a different driver in the same area. read more


Swift justice: 10-time felon pleads guilty to violent robbery of 85-year-old near Mag Mile.

Davis, 45, was still on parole for his last felony when he flung the senior to a concrete driveway in the 100 block of East Grand while trying to wrestle away her purse on August 18, 2020. The entire attack was captured on a surveillance camera.

16 Comments on Chicago woman gouges carjacker’s eyes

  1. I had to switch gyms about 4 months ago do to COVID. I ended up at a MMA Gold gym. A great weight room, boxing ring, a ton of mats, heavy bags, speed bags, etc. Well it turns out their big money maker is self defense classes for your average person. They have all ages, men and women attending these classes. Unlike most Marshal Arts they walk out after every class a little better prepared to defend themselves. And yes they do teach eye gouging. Pretty cool deal.

  2. I don’t understand why women don’t do this more often.

    Fingernails, particularly the way most women wear them, are a naturla weapon and anyone physically threatening you is in easy range to use them on, women should practice making lightning fast eye strike moves, it doesn’t take long to practice and get really good and fast at it.

    FWIW, men should do the same.

  3. By the way, there isn’t any “self-defense” you or I could teach that will work very well for someone surprised in a parking lot by a group of three thugs with guns.

  4. “By the way, there isn’t any “self-defense” you or I could teach that will work very well for someone surprised ”

    Situational awareness is always your best defense.

  5. Anybody still living in Chicago is just begging to be robbed, raped, car-jacked, or assaulted (as in: having the snot beat out of you for no apparent reason).

    If you ain’t gonna clean it up, leave. That’s why we have so many rat-people from South-of-the-Border – unfortunately for us, they bring their rat-ways with them.

    America’s problem is that there’s no place else to go – the rest of the world sucks. When the nihilistic totalitarians complete fucking it up here – civilization, for all practical purposes, is dead.

    izlamo delenda est …

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