Chick-fil-A draws boycott calls over DEI initiatives – IOTW Report

Chick-fil-A draws boycott calls over DEI initiatives

Just the News-

Fast food chain Chick-fil-A is facing a prospective boycott over its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices, with conservative activists claiming the company has gone woke.

Attracting attention is a statement from the company’s vice president of DEI, Erick McReynolds, that appears on the company’s website.

“Chick-fil-A restaurants have long been recognized as a place where people know they will be treated well. Modeling care for others starts in the restaurant, and we are committed to ensuring mutual respect, understanding and dignity everywhere we do business,” he said. “These tenets are good business practice and crucial to fulfilling our Corporate Purpose.”

Political strategist Joey Mannarino drew attention to the statement on Tuesday morning, saying, “We have a problem. Chick-Fil-A just hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is bad. Very bad. I don’t want to have to boycott. Are we going to have to boycott?” more

22 Comments on Chick-fil-A draws boycott calls over DEI initiatives

  1. It sure sounds as though they fupped duck. Too bad.

    From my personal perspective, I don’t really care that much. I find their food bland and unappealing; not worth what’s been quite a wait for what’s supposed to be fast food.

  2. The kids used to ask for it and I would drive across town for them. When they first distanced themselves from their founder’s principled statements that all changed. They stopped asking on their own. I never found out from them why. We haven’t been in years.

  3. After the old man handed over control to his son, the chicken crossed the road…to the far left!

    Remember not long ago Chick-Fil-A stopped supporting all Christian organizations like The Salvation Army. And that was before the SA went woke as well.

    Get Woke, Go Broke!

    Uncle Al – I too think their sandwiches are way overrated!

  4. I find their chicken to be dry. The people and the service have been nice but I have probably only eaten there maybe five times. I am in no hurry to go back, and telling their base to screw themselves seems like a stupid thing to do.

    Why do businesses do this?

  5. Phil and I went to Chick-dogshit back in about 2009. It was dogshit back then. I mean, I don’t go for fast food as a general rule.

    I used to enjoy some kind of bagel with greasy meat and cheese on it from McDonald’s, but even that became refuse within a few years.

    I used to get shit-on-a-shingle from Wawa. It was decent in the early years… then they started using pre-chewed meat.

    Chick-dogshit was dogshit the first and only time I went there.

  6. Another case of, “The first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation blows it.” 🤷‍♀️

    I like ChickFilA but I always seem to want one on a Sunday!

  7. It’s like people who scoffed when I simply said: I don’t support such and such business have finally had enough of being shit all over. My fuse is rather short when I’m being shit on. Why others put up with it for so long is beyond me.

    It took open, brazen and unrepentant sexual grooming and exploitation of children to get them to finally say that they are fed up. WTF, they are pretty slow on the uptake. The bastards have been telling the world what they are for decades. Believe them and you get a little closer to what they truly are capable of. What they are not only capable of, but aspire to, is beyond anything you can imagine.

  8. I went while I was in college in Florida 30 odd years ago for the principles they stood for. Now 2,000 miles away with a restaurant 1 mile away and a million miles away from the original principles… Eh, I don’t go.

  9. I loved going to Chick Fil A when I could hang out with like minded people. Church would meet there. Food and service was good. Managements reaction to Covid killed their dine in business and now the woke crap is killing the rest of it. We don’t go anymore.

  10. Chick-fil-A must put crack in their chick’n to make it so addictive; but, butt, the lines at the drivethru and the screaming chirrins inside have cured me.

  11. This one I don’t understand.
    Chick fil a is a privately owned company.
    From what I understand, it’s not in the listing for an ESG score.
    No one is holding them hostage, so this seems to be due only to the stupidity/vileness of whichever family member is CEO now.

  12. It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Smith was the new DEI VP.

    Remember him? It seems like like 20 years ago. How the worm has turned. And quickly, too.


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