Chickenlooper Quits Radio Interview After He’s Asked About Abortion – IOTW Report

Chickenlooper Quits Radio Interview After He’s Asked About Abortion

WFB: Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper handed an interview over to a member of his staff after being asked about abortion during an interview he thought was only going to be about gun violence.

“Listen, I thought you wanted to talk about gun safety,” Hickenlooper complained to Denver radio host Dan Caplis, before telling him he’d only be giving him two more minutes to speak with him.

Caplis told Hickenlooper he’d been told by his staff that all topics were open for discussion, and accused Hickenlooper of attempting to escape after being asked a tough question.

“Two minutes, are you kidding me?” Caplis said. “I’m sorry sir, that’s a joke. I ask you a tough question on abortion, which you refuse to answer directly, now you tell me you have two minutes.” more here

11 Comments on Chickenlooper Quits Radio Interview After He’s Asked About Abortion

  1. He never did much public talking as Gov of CO for 8 years. He expected to be in DC in some capacity under Hillary. Yet another guy that didn’t have to do much to get his credentials and can’t take five minutes of any type of heat that Trump gets 24/7/365.

  2. “…can’t take five minutes of any type of heat that Trump gets 24/7/365…”

    My first thought, too. When was the last time Trump ducked a serious question? Never. And I’m not talking about the stupid shit Acosta yells at Air Force 2 which Trump can’t even hear.

  3. The democrats can not answer any questions that do not follow the scrip. They have no back up plans, just their canned answers that have been fed to them.
    In a debate P.Trump will kill all of them including Big Mo,if she jumps in.
    Does any one here really think she wants to go up against P. Trump and be cut down to size for all the world to see,I think not, and we all know that he will. She was one of the main people that was trying to take him out. He will show no mercy and be ruthless.
    The Left has all ready lost the race they just do not no it yet.

  4. Hickenlooper is the farm scum you find on the bottom of your boots…He’s gonna fall out of the presidential race and then run for Senator of Colorado vs. Cory Gardner….Cory Gardner couldn’t find a clear conservative position with both hands on his ass and a post turtle pointing the way……


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