Chickens Fly the Coop at Voice of America – IOTW Report

Chickens Fly the Coop at Voice of America


Tom Tradup|

The unintentionally hysterical Washington Post headline said it all: “Top Voice of America editors resign amid strife with White House.”  Post media reporter Paul Farhi apparenty has a different view of “strife” than the generally accepted one found in Funk & Wagnalls. VOA’s two “top editors” resigning is actually a small but long overdue breath of fresh air as President Trump’s appointee Michael Pack begins to clean out the nest of entrenched vipers at VOA.

As I observed in my Townhall column back in December 2016, the present day VOA—once the bastion of America’s Cold War efforts to battle Communism through broadcast arms Radio Free Europe and, more recently, Radio Marti—bears scant resemblance to the pro-USA agency taxpayers came to expect. For example, few taxpayers I know would approve of articles VOA distributed before the 2016 election in Russian, Urkranian and other languages calling Donald J. Trump “a dog,” “a pig,” and other derogatory terms. And lavish waste and mismanagement has continued to be of concern by those charged with Congressional oversight over the past three years with little—if any—actual corrective action. more here

7 Comments on Chickens Fly the Coop at Voice of America

  1. The news today is that the DOJ is proposing rollbacks of the sec 230 communications thing that allows social media companies to screw us.

    That’s the headline. The reality is that the DOJ is doing nothing. They are ASKING Nancy Pelosi to change the law to put the hurt on her biggest and wealthiest constituents. LOL

    What will happen is that there will be a new law, it will be signed with great fanfare with promises that we’ll be so much better off. And the reality is that facebook and twitter and google will wind up with more power to fk us over.

    We don’t need to wait until after we’ve been scammed yet again to figure this out.

    oh, yeah. And the republican senate and president trump will be part of it, just as they were a part of giving us Gorsuch.

    The republican party is not going to save you from jack shit.

  2. Isn’t it long past time to completely dismantle VOA? The mission of Radio Free Europe ended when the iron curtain fell 30 years ago. But as long as it is anti-American and anti-Trump, Democrats will fight tooth and nail to protect it.

  3. “The republican party is not going to save you from jack shit.”

    Nope. But they will tell you that the problems can’t be fixed unless and until the GOP takes back the House.

    Whoops! Lost the Senate, too. Now we gotta get that back.

    Here we go again.

  4. Maybe CHOP (formerly CHAZ) needs a new radio station?

    “Welcome to The Voice Of CHOP, fellow revolutionaries!”

    “We got some CHAZ jazz and some CHOP pop on the docket today for yo listenin’ pleasure.”

    “But first da news… The State of Washington has been renamed by our members in Olympia! It’s now the State of BULB. And our Governor be good with it! Governor Dim BULB!!”


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