Watch: ‘We fly under the radar of being scrutinized…I don’t think I have too much to worry about.’

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pure ****** bullshit, no surprise
Shit, I recognized it even before they rolled it out. In mid-late 2019 I was posting that the coordinated shutdown on the public/reader comments in practically every mainstream newspapers website is telling me that the progressive/Marxist/Satanists are prepping the environment for a major spring offensive. I didn’t know what they had in mind, but I knew as a stone cold natural fact that their propaganda pump was being primed and that a large percentage of the population were going to be stupid enough to fall for the bullshit irrespective of how absurd and ludicrous the claims.
In late 2019 I told a guy the wheels were going to come off society. He asked “What do you mean?” I answered “We are headed for a breakdown.”
It was always a lie.
It was never about a virus.
If they tell you on MSM chances are it’s not what they say. Bird Flu is next up.
Fool me once, shame on you…Fool me twice, shame on me! Not doing this again.
Many institutions have totally destroyed their credibility. Those who think for themselves are suspicious of everything now. Trust in government, medicine, the legal system and most all “professionals” has all but evaporated. Hell of a note to be paranoid every time one goes to his doctor or deals with government.
They never fooled me, it was ignorant from the get go. I purposely went against all of their bs. Like their stupid arrows, I purposely went the wrong way.
Anyone with common sense knew it was all bs.
I saw the other day that 70% of Americans had received at least 2 shots. That is crazy to me if true. What’s even more crazy if the doctors are proven true that within 6 years most who took it will die. That 6th year is supposed to be crazy with the number of deaths including children.
I will never forget or get over how many of my own family have died thanks to that shot.
Yes it was all lies, yet people still claim they “caught COVID”. The masks became a Talisman for many. I never once complied with any of it and it is maddening to see people put forth as Cabinet members who pushed and advocated for the lies. Before the recent election here, I told a school board member that anyone that previously advocated for masks in the schools was unqualified and it should be a knock out punch for even being considered.
DaveVA, I agree. I would never go to a doctor who pushed any of it. I look at it in one of two ways, either they were too ignorant to know that a little paper mask wasn’t going to prevent anything or they wanted to see their hospital getting government money poured into the coffers.
They all have blood on their hands, from all they killed in the hospital by blowing out their lungs, to the ones they killed with their organ killing drug, to a shot which has killed who knows how many and how many are left to die from it.