Chief of Staff John Kelly: Serious Repercussions – IOTW Report

Chief of Staff John Kelly: Serious Repercussions

President Donald Trump’s new Chief of Staff John Kelly gave a speech to roughly 200 White House aides Friday and warned them about the serious repercussions of leaking classified information and about their priorities in serving the president.

How Kelly Is Shaking Up The Trump White House

20 Comments on Chief of Staff John Kelly: Serious Repercussions

  1. Considering most communications move around electronically it’s going to be tough to stop it. On top of that, I hope all offices were swept for bugs before occupying. I smell Obama in this.

  2. I hope Kelly warned them if they are caught they going to go to jail and whatever career they hoped they had in Washington will be kaput. Well at least from the GOP side since Democrats would probably hire them in a heartbeat if they are convicted criminals.

  3. gen. Kelly needs to go have a nice private sit down talk with McMasters, inform him how the bovine ingested the cabbage and the ramifications for obstructing the presidents agenda. Kelly might want to hurry before potus comes back to Washington with his stack of pink slips.

  4. Leakers also need to lose ALL insurance, pensions, tuition assistance for families, etc. It’s a serious crime, and it has to have (as salad dressing hair gel DWS would say) consequences.

  5. He should sew a pocket to his pants and keep a lead-filled sap in it. First confirmed leaker gets a concussion on his way to the nearest lamp post and rope appointment.

    Stop yakking, Trump didn’t hire two four-star combat Marines to punish traitors with harsh language. With all due respect Sir.

  6. Knowing how Leftists embrace the “I didn’t know it was wrong” defense, don’t be too critical of Kelly, Coats and Sessions for spelling it out clearly and in full view of the media that leaking is wrong.

    We’re dealing with petulant children here.

    They have to be able to cut the “I didn’t know it was wrong” defense off at the knees.

  7. The thing that the leakers don’t seem to understand is that for the most part if they get caught and canned (I suspect that in a number of cases they won’t be able to criminally charge them) the left will pat their backs and thank them, maybe they’ll get a couple of drinks at a bar but they are very unlikely to get hired by anybody (conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat) into a position with good pay and a future. They simply won’t be trusted by anyone, ever again. No company can afford to have staff that are proven to be disloyal because even if it’s a liberal joint they would never be confident that the person wouldn’t change their political position and leaking starts. We applaud the whistleblowers as well we should when the law is being broken, people are being hurt, swindles etc etc but when it’s for political gain or personal attack not so much. I hope Flynn and Sessions can ferret out these people and fire or charge them as appropriate and make sure it’s made public to ensure that internet search on these people for possible jobs explains exactly why they were terminated.

  8. the likeliest scenario is that Obama holdovers and burrowed-in Obamites are the main leakers/ obstructors. Then the next group would be the Globalist assholes from the Kushner camp. Trump has a blind-spot in regards to his son-in-law and needs to give the kid the ol’ heave-ho ASAP.

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