Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Out at White House: ‘Get Ready for Bannon the Barbarian’ – IOTW Report

Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Out at White House: ‘Get Ready for Bannon the Barbarian’

No more restraints? Nice!

Update: He’s back at Breitbart


Breitbart: White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon — the former Breitbart News executive chairman who helped guide then-candidate Donald Trump’s flagging presidential campaign to a historic victory — is on his way out of the White House, with a source close to Bannon telling Axios: “Get ready for Bannon the barbarian.”

Axios first reported that Bannon, who was brought on to the campaign in August to replace Paul Manafort as campaign chairman, was expected to depart from the White House imminently.

Soon after, the Drudge Report issued a siren on the site’s front page, declaring: “Bannon Out at White House” adding that he was “moving on after an impressive run.”

Meanwhile, the New York Times also reported that President Trump had decided to remove Bannon, but Trump and senior White House officials were debating “when and how to dismiss” Bannon.

The Times reported that a person close to Bannon insisted that a departure was Bannon’s idea and that a resignation had been submitted on August 7 — but the protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, had delayed his departure.  more here


48 Comments on Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Out at White House: ‘Get Ready for Bannon the Barbarian’

  1. This was not to be a permanent position for Bannon. They even said as much. So the left is excited because… Whatever. lol.
    I think he can do more damage to the left on the outside, anyway. If Trump needs him, he can call him.

  2. Trump had my vote way before Bannon got there. I’m not understanding some of the reaction from conservatives. All the NeverTrumpers are sure celebrating. Little Benny has stiffy. For the first time ever.

  3. imagine being in Trumps circle of influence for a year, around all that awesomeness and then being released into the world.

    The Gloves Are Off. Breitbart has to be smiling.

  4. Charlie WalksonWater, I’m with you on this.
    Bannon picked up a lot of info on how shit works in gubmint. He had access Breitbart never had, so yeah, he can pick up where Breitbart left off.

  5. The LSM is reta— er, confusing today. They go on and on and on saying Bannon and Breitbart are anti-Jew and today I see them saying Breitbart and Bannon are WAY TOO pro-Israel. LOLOL FFS.

  6. I like this news about Bannon. Trump needs some foot soldiers outside of the White House and I believe the nation is thirsting for MSM/SJW/communist/unhinged lunatic leftard alternatives.

  7. Mr. Bannon has nothing to be ashamed of, He was the right man for the job as can be seen by President Trump. If he is going back to Breitbart, I might start reading them again.

  8. The left is outraged over the guy leaving the WH they raged about joining the WH. Go figure. Never mind, we all know it’s their lack of intelligence, group think and severe mental health issues.

  9. Oh I’m sure there was. I don’t doubt it’s because Kushner and Ivanka are little bleeding heart liberals. I won’t say they are in Paul Ryan/0bama territory, but I think Ivanka seems to wanna fix things that aren’t broken.

  10. The Democraps, RINO’s and Media Moops and Goons will soon reap what they have sown! The crazy, violent and murderous creeps on the Anti-American left (Antifa-Fascists) have just been given, in their warped minds, a free reign to commit violence under the guise of fighting for a righteous cause-that of battling their brother fascists the misnamed Neo-Nazi’s, Fascists, White Supremacists and all things deemed, by them, to be Racist!

  11. I’m just reading FOX headlines:
    Someone? WTF is going on?

  12. I guess I’ll wait for all the whitehouse insider, official unnamed, confidential sources who feed the media and see how the pundits of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Fox & NBC spin this.

    In any case, Bannon will have a greater impact on public opinion outside the tight inner circle of the whitehouse and be a greater sounding board for Conservative Principles.

  13. Well, if he is out of POTUS’ inner circle this is a grim, grim day. The coming days will tell if this is a re-deployment of assets . . . or a betrayal of our trust.

  14. What do you think DJT thinks about this mess? How many times do you think he’s thought “*uck this!” My god, I couldn’t blame him.

    Bill Cunningham is filling in for Levin and he’s advocating for Trump to tell the R’s that he’s done with their party and to declare himself an independent now and in 2020. Hmm.

  15. Moe Tom

    I’m not sure where you got that, but here it is right of the horses mouth.

    “House and going to war’
    Alex Pappas
    By Alex Pappas Published August 18, 2017 Fox News

    Fallout from Steve Bannon’s ouster from the White House
    Steve Bannon is on his way out at the White House – but the fiery, anti-establishment conservative who helped Donald Trump win the presidency says he getting ready to wage his populist campaign from the outside.

    “If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg on Friday.

    The outgoing White House chief strategist spent just over a year formally working for the president. On Friday, his job with Trump came to an end.”

  16. Commenters over on Breitbart are linking Bannon’s 5 hour meeting with the billionaire Mercer family as a sign he’s about to becomes the Right’s version of George Soros. Heh.

  17. MJA, you’re right about that. On the inside looking out for the last year, seeing the machinations of gubmint and a partial glimpse of the mind of President trump.

    CNN, you ready? You thought Trump was giving you a beat down? You thought you were fighting back?

    theres a big ass kicking coming, starting right now.

  18. Anti Fu Fa@

    ‘Not A Crime’
    Antifa Protester Says Violence Against The Far-Right Is Totally Fine as does the Far left, media rats, Anti-Trumpers, and other assorted scum bag thugs!

  19. Who on this site still watches TV news? Every time I come here people are quoting from CNN and Fox and every station in between. An online article that quotes from TV news, no problem. It’s kinda their job (or hobby)like Rush etc. But they do that to pass the ‘info’ on. But people who read sites like this every day realllly gotta watch TV news for themselves? Umm….I dunno what to say. I’ll be kind. How about Oooo, masochism, how kinky! Whatever.

    35+ years ago my lib sister gave up watching TV. I thought she was nuts. (Think about it though, eeeevil Reagan was President.) Since 2002, I gave up on most TV, especially TV news. I got IOTW, Ace, Rush, Hannity, John & Ken, and all the other articles that IOTW & Ace point to occasionally. I’m fully informed. Well, at least as much as my brain can hold without spilling over.

  20. I think this is a move to allow Bannon to throw off the gloves and no shit go to war on the left.

    All I see is the talking left patting themselves on the back because Bannon was fired, but he wasn’t fired.

    They are goddamn stoopid.

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