Child Develops Scurvy From Almond Milk-Based Diet – IOTW Report

Child Develops Scurvy From Almond Milk-Based Diet

Almond Milk  almonds glass

IFLScience: You might associate scurvy with sailors of times gone by, but while our knowledge of exactly what causes it and how to get rid of it has meant that it’s rare in today’s world, it’s still not a disease of the past. As evidence of this, an unusual case report has surfaced in which an infant developed scurvy after being given a vitamin C-devoid diet almost entirely based on almond milk.  MORE

14 Comments on Child Develops Scurvy From Almond Milk-Based Diet

  1. I would have expected rickets secondary to Vitamin D deficiency first, but with no other fruit or vegetable intake scurvy would be inevitable too. Of course, I’m not a family practice doc, so what order these things normally present is not my wheelhouse.

    I also notice in the article that the child was not breastfed, so there were probably immune deficiency problems there, and fed exclusively cow-milk based formula. If I remember my peds rotation, that would mean iron-deficiency too. as well as folate and B12.

    All this nutritional stuff makes my head hurt. That’s why I hang out in the lab…

  2. Some years ago in New York City Family Court there was a neglect case against a very stupid couple who nearly killed their baby by feeding it a diet of water, soy milk, and ground nuts. The woman refused to breast-feed because it violated the principles of a vegan diet, and apparently formula wasn’t a go for her either. Luckily ACS was able to remove the child from them in time to nourish it properly and get it past the “failure to thrive” diagnosis.

  3. As part of my own research for my own physical issues I found that collagen and keratin (there are more than 30 types of each) are the structural proteins that physically construct the body. Vitamin C is required to produce collagen and vitamin A is required to produce keratin (most of the other nutrients required to produce both are similar). Bones are minerals deposited on an array of collagen fibers – this baby’s bones couldn’t form properly.

  4. For all the folks with cats out there, this is something I found interesting in my research. Humans (and many other animals) convert beta carotene to vitamin A in the liver. Cats can’t produce the enzymes required for this conversion, Thus, they have to get the vitamin A they require to form keratin (fur and skin) by eating the organs of other animals (which is why organ meats like kidney, liver, etc. are included in quality cat food).

  5. At least scurvy can be easily cured with no negative effects left over.

    I developed chronic scurvy a little over two years ago. Really bad diet and no supplements can do that.

    One month of 4000-5000 mg of Vit C a day and everything is as it should be with no lasting damage. I take between 1000 and 4000 mg of Vit C a day now.

    When I was run over by a car last September, the doctors and nurses were impressed I had no underlying health problems whatsoever – aside from the broken fibula – my first broken bone -, dislocated ankle and effed up shoulder that brought me there. I’m 58 with a family history of heart problems and none to be found.

    Bonus side effect: Vit C can be good for softening stool too.

    Trivia: Many animals produce their own Vit C. Gorillas @ 8,000mg a day, goats @ 15,000mg a day. Humans? Zero.

  6. Dad of 4 – In order to create the enzymes that “activate” vitamin C in the collagen production process, zinc is required. Zinc is responsible for more than 300 enzymes created to produce various proteins including collagen and keratin. 40 mg daily is the recognized “safe limit” of zinc, but lots of people take 50 or more daily with no negative side effects. It is also required to produce T-cells that help greatly with the immune system.

  7. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

    My apologies that my post ended up attached to yours. It was meant to stand alone at the end, so no intention to infer something about what you posted..

  8. No wonder the Open Wound Care Clinic told me to take Zinc and Vit A to facilitate the re-growth of skin over the 2×2 inch hole the doc made to put my ankle back together.

    It was there I was introduced to Medihoney. It not only has anti-bacterial qualities but also has qualities that help skin cell growth. Never needed any other antibiotics during that time and it was 3 months before it was completely healed.

    You could see muscle, tendons and bone – there was no skin at all there.

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