Child who was thrown from Mall of America balcony Has Left Intensive Care – IOTW Report

Child who was thrown from Mall of America balcony Has Left Intensive Care

Epoch Times: Family and friends of a child who survived a three-story fall at a Minnesota shopping mall, are relieved to share he was moved out of intensive care on August 1.

After spending more than three months in intensive care at Children’s Minnesota Landen Hoffman, 5, is now on the road to recovery, his family confirmed.

“We are happy to report that our son is no longer in intensive care and has been moved to an inpatient, physical rehab program at another hospital to help him continue to heal and focus on the next phase of his recovery,” family spokesperson Noah Hanneman said on Gofundme.

The Associated Press (AP) revealed Hoffman had more than 15 surgical procedures after he suffered two broken arms, a broken leg, facial and skull fractures, and injuries to his spleen from falling nearly 40 feet at the Mall of America in Bloomington, 10 miles south of downtown Minneapolis.

“He had a stent placed in a vein that runs through his liver because of the serious complications he continues to endure,” Hanneman said.

Attacker Emmanuel Aranda, 24, pleaded guilty to attempted premeditated first-degree murder and Hennepin County District Court sentenced him to 19 years in jail. more here

15 Comments on Child who was thrown from Mall of America balcony Has Left Intensive Care

  1. 19 years for admitting to attempted premeditated murder 1?

    Message: try to murder someone and your life will not be forfeit, if they don’t die (and often even if they do).

    This nation is beyond lost.

    If I were absolute ruler for one year, with complete power of life and immediate death without appeal, at my word alone, I would fundamentally re-restructure this nation for the better by simply by removing all vestiges of the Left and every shred of damage they’ve done in the past 100 years. Make examples, everyone else gets it quick.

    In my dreams.

  2. I see the MN Swedes were kinder & gentler to Aranda, than us Scots-Irish Confederate bubbas would’ve been. 30 years ago at least, we’d of grabbed his sorry ass, and he’d of gone flying over the balcony about 5 seconds later… 😡

  3. Beat that sumbitch to within an inch of his life, then when he heals up to within a yard, do it again! Rinse and repeat for 19 years cuz we all know he’ll never change. Maybe he’ll get lucky and opt out to FDR’s house!

  4. What does 19 years really mean? Our “leaders” are in a mad rush to empty the prisons.
    Also, thank you for correcting the fake news story. He did not fall until after he was thrown.

  5. 19 years means 6 with good behavior and participation with the prison mosque where he will be trained to respond that he was imprisoned to preserve white supremacy.

  6. Txn4Evr AUGUST 3, 2019 AT 10:50 AM
    Put him in the prison’s general population, he will dead in a month. They don’t like kiddie killers. Unlike democrats convicts have a sense of justice.

    Truly wish this were still TRUE. My understanding is that it no longer works that way (IL) and in fact personally keeping track on one turd to find he’s been moved to a new facility. Researched his new home to find 75% of population is pedo’s. My question is how do you survive if you’re in the 25% group? If I’m still sucking air and if he survives to be released I hope to find that a welcoming party would take place for him.

    Maybe the victum’s family is able to move on without malice, but one can only hope Mr. Karma pays a visit.

  7. I like TRF’s Idea. A yearly severe beating on the anniversary of the offense for 18 years no early release and GENERAL POPULATION on year 19.

    Poor Kid. Somehow, I hope he makes it big in life and ends up very wealthy & loved.

  8. Good thing for him that he did not throw a somali kid over the rail. He’d have been given a death sentence even if he did plead guilty. And, it is not “hateful” to impose significant sentences for outrageous, cruel, savage and murderous behavior. It is common sense.


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