China exploits our PC Culture to spread disinformation – IOTW Report

China exploits our PC Culture to spread disinformation

Patriot Retort: I mentioned on several occasions how, during interviews in Gitmo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad explained how jihadists hoped to exploit our PC culture in order to infiltrate the West — most recently, I mentioned it HERE.

In an interview on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News program, James Mitchell, one of KSM’s interrogators explained the logic behind this exploitation.

”Here’s the way political correctness works for a guy like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It allows them to operate in our midst without being challenged. It allows them to ratchet up the focus on sharia law without us pushing back on it. And we end up inadvertently imposing on ourselves the blasphemy laws of sharia, because we cut back on the things that they find offensive.”

Well, it turns out this exploitation of our PC culture isn’t just for radical Islamists.

The Chicoms are exploiting it as well.

9 Comments on China exploits our PC Culture to spread disinformation

  1. Since bill clinton in 1992, china has bought off corrupt American politicans by the hundreds. They expanded into our universities, hollywood and the news media.

    But bill clinton started it all.

    How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China:

    After 24 years of bush/clinton/bush/obama, it is a miracle we have an intact Constitutional republic. We can thank PDJT for that.

  2. Gee Wally, looks like they’re waltzing hand in hand with the democRATs and our wonderful Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!

    No kiddin Beave, they probably think they’re the chink in our armor!

  3. Need to tie one on the Peking Polluters and color them Red, every dang time. This is the modern-era battle against Communism, with Chinese characteristics. Whatever that’s purposed for. Disease seems to ooze from the party’s Maorifices annually.
    Official relations with Taiwan now!

  4. Don’t like that we call it the Chinese Flu, the Chinkie Flu, the WuFlu?
    Ohhhhh, too bad. Cry me a (Yellow) river. Then build me a bridge and get over it.
    Is my response sophomoric? Yes, yes it is. But then again, so is the original whining over a perfectly valid name.
    And as I learned many years ago, names are sounds, vibrations in the air, which cannot hurt you. Only if you let them.


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