China Finishes Off Year with Sluggish Growth as Economy Fails to Recover – IOTW Report

China Finishes Off Year with Sluggish Growth as Economy Fails to Recover


China’s economy grew at a rate of 5.2% in 2023, failing to return to the same growth of around 6% year-over-year that was common before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The year’s growth was an improvement on the even worse growth in 2022, which totaled just 3% for that year, and economists expect similar sluggish growth in 2024 unless a big policy change occurs, according to the WSJ. A number of different indicators added to the dismal report, including real growth in urban disposable income, which grew at just 4.8% in 2023 and was the lowest year since 2002, barring 2020 and 2022. more

6 Comments on China Finishes Off Year with Sluggish Growth as Economy Fails to Recover

  1. Seems to be a lot of wishful cope about China’s economy lately. Maybe it’s bad, maybe it’s not. Just remember what the same people were telling us about Russia’s economy a year ago.

  2. Thirdtwin

    As an American manufacturer I can tell you or government has gone to every extent they can to hand off all American Manufacturing to the Chinese. You know, blue collar jobs. I can tell you stories pal, that I witnessed. Trump killed them. I’ll dance on their graves. Thank God for DJT.

  3. Brad, that’s a sad fact, and the betrayal is still going on. Our government and business leaders have been compromised and/or enticed by greed to sell us out to China. So when I read these stories about how China is headed for disaster, it’s not comforting. We are yoked to the Chicoms for the benefit of the few, and at the expense of the rest of us.

    It seems to me that everything we hear about China from our media is one big PR operation, presenting a facsimile of competition between roughly equal partners. But the fact is that we have fallen behind and we may not be able to catch up, because we have given away too much. And hearing sad stories about China’s problems is cold comfort which is only meant to distract us from the corrupt, hollow, fascist mess which our Uniparty has made of America.


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