China has a vice grip on our most important medicines – IOTW Report

China has a vice grip on our most important medicines

BPR: Democrats and Republicans battered TikTok’s CEO at a House of Representatives hearing last Thursday — for good reason. The Chinese app poses a national security risk, accumulating troves of data on its American users. TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew’s slithery comment that “I don’t think spying is the right way to describe it,” only heightened concerns.

Too bad another Chinese threat — bigger and more immediate — isn’t getting the same attention. China has a chokehold on our medication supply chain. Beijing controls many — in some cases, all — active ingredients for the remedies in our medicine chests, the drugs used in emergency rooms and even antibiotics administered to soldiers on the battlefield.

The med bottles in your cabinet don’t say “Made in China,” but nearly all are, including 97% of U.S. antibiotics, by some estimates.

In a tense situation, Beijing could simply cut off shipments of antibiotics, cancer drugs and other meds, forcing the U.S. to cede to its demands. Our survival hinges on their goodwill. Terrifying. more

7 Comments on China has a vice grip on our most important medicines

  1. that bill is titled with weasel words
    alas, as far as medications go, people won’t pay attention unless they realize that includes fentanyl and hormones
    gotta have them

    it isn’t because of technology that medications and computer chips aren’t made domestically- it is because manufacturers moved their production offshore, where wages (and liberties) are less.
    it costs a lot of money to buy a sub zero freezer and stock it with $12 a pint ice cream


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