China Has Rapidly Increased Market Share of U.S. Medical Glove Imports  – IOTW Report

China Has Rapidly Increased Market Share of U.S. Medical Glove Imports 

Breitbart- The next time a doctor examines you, a phlebotomist draws blood from your arm, a nurse takes your temperature, or you undergo any medical procedure, there is an increased likelihood—thanks to the failures of the Democrat administration of President Joe Biden—that the Chinese made the gloves the medical professional is wearing. MORE

8 Comments on China Has Rapidly Increased Market Share of U.S. Medical Glove Imports 

  1. How to make a tribute to Chyna –
    Take one blue glove and fill it with hot wax. Then, as it cools, bend all the fingers over (don’t forget the knuckles) except one…
    Label it: “Confucius say: F.U. Man Chu”

  2. People just don’t learn anything. All of the US plants are shutting down because of the cheap imports. And the same damn thing will happen again in the future and there will be no more gloves all of a sudden.

  3. I bought some cheapo Chinese latex gloves, within 30 seconds of wearing the first pair my hands were on fire. I’d never had a reaction to latex before. I ended up shitcanning the rest of them.

  4. My late wife worked in the lab at Sacred Heart Med. Ctr. in Spokane for 30 years and was allergic to wearing latex gloves. She started as a phlebotomist drawing blood on patients and eventually ended up in the cytology dept. dealing with all sorts of specimens and bodily fluids and biopsy specimens and other gross things. She couldn’t wear latex gloves and had to wear special non latex gloves when she worked in the lab to keep from breaking out in hives.

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