China Joe Ends President Trump’s EO Targeting Big Tech Censorship – IOTW Report

China Joe Ends President Trump’s EO Targeting Big Tech Censorship

Neon Nettle:

Democrat Joe Biden has revoked Donald Trump’s executive order from last year, which targeted big tech’s online censorship.

Trump wanted interactive computer services like Twitter, Facebook, and Google to be held responsible for content posted to their platforms.

In Executive Order 13925 of May 28, 2020, Trump wrote:

The policy of the United States should be that “an internet provider be exposed to liability like any traditional editor and publisher that is not an online provider.”

He also addressed Section 230 of the U.S. Code, which states:

No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected.
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4 Comments on China Joe Ends President Trump’s EO Targeting Big Tech Censorship

  1. If Congress stopped with all the political vendettas then they’d have time to pass sensible legislation. Until then, we’ll continue to see about 500 EOs per year.

  2. Seems like the IRS can’t get the time to send me my $XXXX tax refund, but has the time to send me a letter telling me they are sending me a $XXXX check as a stimulus…….THREE weeks after I actually get the stimulus!!
    Bet they got the $$$$ ready to send to Israel…. and Hamas by Friday!!

  3. EOs are worthless? Tell that to the 11,000 out of work Keystone Pipeline workers. Maybe easy enough to rescind when a new administration comes in but in real time, they can bite.

    Unless of course you’re President Trump and the scum sucking DOJ and other bureaucratic institutions just chose to slow walk or ignore anything they don’t like.

    President Trump’a Achilles Heel was not firing en masse every motherfucking holdover on Day 1. Rudderless or shuttered institutions are far better than communists running them.


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