China Publicly Issues Instructions For the “Incoming” Biden Administration – IOTW Report

China Publicly Issues Instructions For the “Incoming” Biden Administration

Dan Bongino: The Global Times, which is a Chinese Communist Party-run paper, has announced that Joe Biden has won the election and they have instructions for him to follow. MORE

…As to the policies of his new administration, the world pins high hopes on him tossing out the old-fashioned and selfish “America First” doctrine, restoring multilateralism and cooperation with the whole world – particularly stopping the reckless and brutal ideological and economic fight between US and China, which many have likened to a new “cold war”.

19 Comments on China Publicly Issues Instructions For the “Incoming” Biden Administration

  1. CBS is following the China line brilliantly. Biden enters to pick up the mess and right the overturned furniture left by Trump. This is redolent of Obama’s meme of puliing the car out of the ditch into which Bush drove it. They probably use the same ghost writer.

  2. Not much we can do about it, short of something like war breaking out with China before Biden takes office.

    After Biden takes office the Republicans will never go after Biden the way the Democrats went after Trump, even if there is real and verifiable evidence to use against him.

    Republicans just don’t do that sort of thing, it rocks the boat they are on.

  3. To hell with China.
    American patriots can’t let these thieves steal the election.
    Call in the military and round up these traitors.
    Close down all the communist media.

    If you let these traitors get away with this, then the U.S.A. is finished.

  4. There’s been a few time when some of us have asked the question, how are these Libtard networks staying in business with barely any viewers. Rush brought that up on his show yesterday and the Chinese are funding them and telling them what to say. That needs to be illegal.

  5. Brad – That’s why exactly I’ve been calling them the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-pad Media for years! One their programming was diluted by the new cable technology and all the new cable channels they could no longer command the kind of advertising money they were used to!

  6. SNS, Komrade Kamala doesn’t need instructions on how to destroy a free Republic.
    She’s a card carrying member of the Chinese cadre who wrote the Communist manefesto on how to corrupt a fair and legal U.S. presidential election.

  7. @ Cliche Guevara

    “Most companies have new employee orientation programs.”

    Biden went thru the new employee orientation program some years ago but given his mental state, Xi may think he needs a refresher course.


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