China removes church crosses and replaces Christ’s images with Xi Jinping’s – IOTW Report

China removes church crosses and replaces Christ’s images with Xi Jinping’s


A new report highlights the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) efforts to exert complete control over the Catholic Church and other religious denominations within its borders, forcibly eliminating religious elements that conflict with the Party’s political and regulatory agenda. Published last week by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the analysis claims that the CCP’s policy of “sinicization of religion” systematically violates the internationally protected right to freedom of religion. Sinicization, which generally refers to adapting something to Chinese culture, is in this case used to subordinate religious beliefs to the CCP’s political agenda and its Marxist view of religion. more

7 Comments on China removes church crosses and replaces Christ’s images with Xi Jinping’s

  1. I must be a terrible person. This article conjured up in my head the vivid image of Xi nailed to a crossed hammer and sickle. I’m so ashamed!


  2. If Christians the world over would just stop buying Chinese crap, it would be felt by the CCP. How hard is it really? Go without whatever it is. You’ll be surprised how little you really need stuff from China.

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