China Reportedly Preparing Trade Talks With Trump After Weekend Tariff Shock – IOTW Report

China Reportedly Preparing Trade Talks With Trump After Weekend Tariff Shock

Zero Hedge: Just two weeks into his second term, President Trump announced the first round of tariffs on Saturday, marking the resumption of his trade war. The new measures impose a 25% tariff on imported goods from Mexico and Canada—though energy imports from Canada will face a reduced rate of 10%—and a 10% tariff on imports from China. The weekend announcement surprised many world leaders and Wall Street but apparently captured Beijing’s attention.

The Wall Street Journal reports that China is preparing for trade talks with the Trump administration, aiming to restore a trade agreement with the US and reaffirm its pledge not to devalue the yuan for a competitive advantage in global trade. Based on unnamed sources, the report has not yet been officially confirmed. more

4 Comments on China Reportedly Preparing Trade Talks With Trump After Weekend Tariff Shock

  1. What cards does China hold?

    Maybe the support of all the US manufactures who sent their manufacturing ops over to China to benefit from low-wages. And the shipping concerns who profited from bringing manufactured goods back across the Pacific to America for sale.

    The unions played a part in this whole mess as well, I think. Manufactures have been dogged by unions for 150 years. Unions always want more, more, more. Never satisfied.

  2. The Mighty Mental Midgets of the “main stream” media fell all over themselves gleefully forecasting doom for America caused by a maniacal Trump.

    Then something happened. Mexico, then Canada, and China decided to do what Trump wanted them to do: Negotiate trade for stopping the flow of killer drugs, and masses of anchorless people being encouraged by the dark forces to invade America.


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