China is not apologizing for the execution of four Canadian citizens for alleged drug trafficking.
“China always imposes severe penalties on drug-related crimes,” a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy said. “The facts of the crimes committed by the Canadian nationals involved in the cases are clear, and the evidence is solid and sufficient.”
The four Canadians accused of drug smuggling allegedly had dual citizenship, and Canada’s foreign affairs minister Melanie Joly, along with former PM Justin Trudeau had asked China for clemency.
But Beijing had other ideas and reportedly executed the four by firing squad.
Joly “strongly condemned” the killings as did Amnesty International. more
So whataya gonna DO about it?
Soorry, eh.
Police your own people. How about executing the Chinese citizens who export Fentanyl ingredients to Mexican drug cartels.
If the penalty for making and selling drugs is death by firing squad then the entire population of China should execute itself! I know, let’s get rich by selling them the millions of bullets needed!!!
If you’re stupid enough to traffic drugs in China, then it’s best you get removed from the gene pool as soon as possible. The ChiComs only want fentanyl to be a one way street market.
I am a western Canadian (NOT to be confused with Ontario or Quebec). The last 10 years under Trudeau 2.0 have been horrible for honorable Canadians. As well, I am totally against dual citizenship. You are either one or the other but not both. I do not go to countries who hate me (a white conservative woman who is educated) – that eliminates China, Viet Nam and most Muslim countries. The UK, France, Germany and Austria are rapidly becoming Muslim countries, so off the list as well.
China’s history has a bad experience with drugs named the Opium Wars. When one goes to a foreign country one is not protected by the laws of their home country. Singapore executes drug dealers also, but nary a word about that.
No names in the story. Chinee killee Chinee? So what. Chinee killee Chinee dopers? Great! More please! The Canadians are no more a democratically governed people that the Chinese, their government talks different than the Chinese but they run EXACTLY the SAME WAY.
I don’t really care, Margaret.
When I was in the Philippines while in the Navy in 1974 there was a public execution just N. of Olongapo City in Subic City for a male Filipino citizen caught dealing heroin. They just took the poor guy into the public square in front of all the citizens and put a bullet in the back of his head. They didn’t mess around with drug dealers, it was an automatic death penalty for dealing drugs. Warning don’t fuck with illegal drugs especially if you’re in a foreign country or that could be you no questions asked.
Another post by JMM – just heard on the radio that Saskatoon (a large city in my province – “supposedly” well-educated because of a major university being there) is closing down their public libraries in the downtown core and some other choice locations for one month. This is because all of the “low-lifes” use the libraries as warm places (with bathrooms) where they can shoot up or overdose on Fentanyl. This is just proving to be “too much” for the staff having to deal with all of the drug overdoses.
The authorities are hoping that in another month, it will be warm enough so that the “low-lifes” can go back to overdosing on the city streets.
See, we have a chance to embrace multiculturalism, and we’re walking right past it… I see no problem with summary execution of drug dealers and especially illegal alien drug dealers.
Now execute Xi for exporting Fentanyl to America.
… waiting …
Fucking hypocrites.
These are the same Chinese who are exporting Fentanyl and other dangerous drugs to the USA via Mexico and Canada BY THE TON…
Imagine the problems that would disappear overnight in the U.S.A. if we were that serious about drugs.
It can’t happen and I’m not saying it should happen that way,
imagine how many problems would vanish and how many resources could go to MUCH better purposes.
Not a fan of “Luke the Gook” but you gotta hand it to him, they know how to handle drug dealers.
People complain about the US not been ing keen on dual citizenship. This is one of the big reasons. This is also not the first time Canada has been in this position. It happened before with an Iranian/Canadian. I don’t know that she was executed, but I think she died in custody. Canada tried to intervene on her behalf but Iran said “She is Iranian.”