China Threatened Members Of Congress And U.S. Elections – IOTW Report

China Threatened Members Of Congress And U.S. Elections

The Lid: China threatened several Congress members, states, and entities, saying that it was going to do things that would “cause them pain” because of their stance against the Communist nation. China threatened

Among those on the Chinese target list to “sanction” are Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, and Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, both of whom filed lawsuits against China for the handling of the virus. Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Josh Hawley (R-MO), Rep Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Rep Chris Smith (R-NJ), Rep Jim Banks (R-IN), Sen Rick Scott (R-FL), and a host of others who have advanced legislation in Congress to allow people to sue China.

Some of those receiving threats told China to “bring it on.” more

22 Comments on China Threatened Members Of Congress And U.S. Elections

  1. And now the commie mob bosses have the desperate nerve
    to make open ended threats against our elected office
    holders who represent us.
    Starting this crap shows they have their back to the wall
    and are doing stupid aggressive crap because they only know how to rule through fear. The problem is we aren’t the dog whipped Chinese masses.
    Sounds like a casus belli to me.

  2. “China threatened to investigate business ties to both sitting Congress members and state economies.”

    No wonder the Lefties are up in arms over POTUS Trump and these Congressmen making waves with the Chinese over CV19! Come on, China. We’d like to know who those people are too.

    On the Smithfield Foods acquisition: With the African Swine Fever outbreak in China, both reducing their hog count by 40% and increasing the cost of pork in China by 110% (2019/20), and with China being the number one consumer of pork in the world, it sounds like a big bluff for China to threaten jobs related to their own company. Chinese-owned Smithfield sent so much pork to China last year and this that they ran out of freezer space to ship.

  3. Don’t the Chicoms primarily gain access to us online via a big ass underwater cable? That needs to be cut. Tomorrow We can eliminate the satellites the following day.

  4. AA,

    How can this guy call or contact you?
    Got a number you could share? – Best
    Got a private line? – Next Best
    Email? – Worst

    Also, after AA reads this could any mod please delete this post because of the spelling errors. Thanks.

  5. BB,
    Ice cold real fizzy water
    Makes the teeth feel fuzzy as a free bonus
    Minerals and tasty burps too
    All natural and more expensive than coke
    Yet sugarless

  6. My dear departed MIL, a devout Catholic, (passed away at the age of 100 12/19), always said “the Bible tells us, in the end times the world will be in great battle with the yellow people”.
    I’m not catholic. She read a different version of the Bible…can’t recall, but it wasn’t KJV.

    I’m beginning to think she was right.

  7. They’ve, along with other rats, been doing it for years by financing US elections under the table in support of anyone who’d do their biding in things they don’t like. Pelosi comes to mind…

  8. “China threatened to investigate business ties to both sitting Congress members and state economies.”

    sounds like what the clintons do to get their way, but they do it behind the scenes
    it used to be called blackmail
    now we have red mail
    hussein will probably have to get a bigger mailbox

  9. TRF, maybe one of these years we could celebrate Ed “Big Daddy” Roth and have the year of the Rat Fink. We could invite Digger, Davy and Daddy annd other assorted weird characters. It would be more fun than the chinks celebrating the year of the rat. I’d even wear my Rat Fink hat which my dayghter won’t let me wear in public because it embarasses her.

  10. China has much invested in the United States – Academia, the Media, Politicians, Wall Street, Treasury, Business, and Entertainment.

    They were surreptitiously funneling money to the Clintons and the Demonrats at least 30 years ago (remember the Buddhist Temple and our ICBM telemetry?).

    That they would look after their investments shouldn’t surprise anyone.
    That we allow it should shame us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. The globalists have been in bed with China for decades, you think they are going to change their spots now? We need to bring all products made in China brought back to the good old USA. China needs to be kicked down a notch, which is long overdue.

  12. Well now we know why every member of the MSM tells exactly the same news, same spin, same order 24/7/365. I.E. A few days ago a document proved Obama’s role in framing General Flynn. MSM’s lead story every channel? More Secret Service agents in White House wearing masks. Does China control the MSM? Sure looks like it.

  13. So China is not going to be investigating any Democrats. Is that what I just read?

    Basically, they are saying they want to compete with the American media? That’s like creating a new company to compete against a product you already own.

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