China Threatens to Shoot Pelosi Out of the Sky if She Approaches Taiwan – IOTW Report

China Threatens to Shoot Pelosi Out of the Sky if She Approaches Taiwan

PJM: Just as we were wondering if Pelosi was going to visit Taiwan, China has thrown down the gauntlet.

A Chinese news media outlet affiliated with run by the Communists threatened to blow Pelosi out of the sky if her plane dares to visit Taiwan.

If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is invasion. The PLA has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down.

The threat comes just as Pelosi is about to take to the possibly not-so-friendly skies on an overseas trip and shortly after China’s commie leader, Xi Jinping, allegedly threatened Biden over Taiwan during a two-hour phone call between the two business partners world leaders. more here

46 Comments on China Threatens to Shoot Pelosi Out of the Sky if She Approaches Taiwan

  1. She is trying to create a pretext for WW3 so she can stop the midterms and maintain power…

    Puts the Pedo in an awkward position as a wholly owned subsidiary of Red China.

    Bitch intends to die with that gavel in her claws. One way or the other.

  2. Biden was on a TWO HOUR phone call with Xi??? Holy shit, no wonder they are rattling their swords. Stupid Joe probably threatened to take him out behind the barn and give him the corn pop treatment. If we don’t end up in WWIII over the next 3 years it will be a miracle.

  3. If I were the fighter pilot escorting the Pig-Losi and a Chicom pilot shot her down, I’d remember what she and her party have done to the military and radio my Chicom counterpart and say “good shot comrade, now let’s both go home and call it a day.”

  4. Bobcat
    JULY 30, 2022 AT 6:48 AM
    “Two Hours of

    “Um Joe, Are You still there?””

    …or, “Is there someone ELSE there I can talk to?”

    Or “Let me speak to your manager”

  5. Will General Milley call the Reds and tell them we wont go to war if this happens? What a POS he is. BTW, Im not convinced China has that accurate a missile.

  6. So…does anybody know why she’s going to Taiwan? If it’s just to shore up another one of her husband’s grifts, she can park her ass in DC, like President Trump made her do in 2017. This bitch has already been in Ukraine to grift and throw gasoline on that fire. Ground her grifting old ass.

  7. …ok, as long as they are SURE it’s actually HER, and not Duplicitous Dems trying to Padme them into doing their election-cancelling false flag dirty work for them without even the benefit of ACTUALLY killing the Wicked Witch of SF…

  8. China gives her a very convenient reason to not go to Taiwan.

    If she decided to go, and somehow got through, what would she say?

    “Sorry, we can’t help you in your predicament”.

  9. With all the Chinese “students” in The United States, you’d think they could do better translations.

    “Nice place you got here. Be a shame if you didn’t accept this bag full of money.”, might be a threat in Beijing. But it doesn’t localize well.

  10. With the invasion of Ukraine slowly winding down and being replaced in the headlines by the monkeypox “threat”, the Chinese PLA amphibious invasion of Taiwan will be the next thing to pop for the ridiculous ass-hole yakkers of the stupid ingrained media.

  11. Well, she’s already on her way, but why the hell did she deserve an Air Force plane? There is no reason she can’t fly commercial, or use some of her I’ll-gotten millions to charter a private plane. I don’t care what happens to her, but don’t want our Air Force personnel (and plane) sacrificed for the glory of this evil witch.


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