China to Trump: We don’t like the word ‘steal’ – IOTW Report

China to Trump: We don’t like the word ‘steal’

AS: China on Monday fired back against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s claim that its military stole an American naval drone last week, Bloomberg News reports.

The unmanned underwater vehicle was removed in a “responsible and professional manner” to protect shipping, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing on Monday, according to the report.

She was referring to a comment Trump made on Twitter on Saturday, in which he said that China had “stolen” the drone in an “unprecedented act,” later adding that China should keep it.

“We don’t like the word ‘steal’ — the word is absolutely inaccurate,” Hua was quoted as having said, adding that China was still negotiating with the U.S. military about the drone’s return.

“This is just like you found a thing on the street, and you have to take a look and investigate it to see if the thing belongs to one who wants it back,” she added.

The Pentagon had confirmed a Chinese naval vessel unlawfully seized the drone Thursday while the USNS Bowditch was attempting to collect it about 50 nautical miles northwest of the Philippines’s Subic Bay.  more

20 Comments on China to Trump: We don’t like the word ‘steal’

  1. Yeah – they STOLE it in a “responsible and professional manner.” I don’t care how they try to rationalize it – they STOLE it.

    Hee hee – Trumps got them worried already. He calls it the way it is and he’s not worried about their fweewings.

  2. It’s a measure of our Armed Forces decrepitude that they were able to steal it, in the first place.

    Unless this is another “spook” operation by the NSA whereby the Chinks were supposed to appropriate it for some reason of geo-political legerdemain. This stinks of the NSA – just like our guys being apprehended by Iran.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, they don’t like to hear the word “steal”? Few thieves do.
    If we hadn’t wasted 30 yrs being politically correct, they wouldn’t dare voice such a stupid objection.

  4. @Tim – it’s not our armed forces decreptitude – it’s that with this current treasonous administration they are not allowed to effectively defend themselves/the US. But that is about to change.

  5. Dear China,
    If you don’t like the word steal, why wasn’t the very FIRST thing you did after finding the drone, was to contact the US gov’t and tell them that you found their drone in a shipping lane???????

  6. The slants used their shiny new navy THAT WE PAID FOR to sally up to an unarmed research vessel and make off with Lord knows what kind of technology. If they returned it I bet it’s in pieces and some high tech pieces are missing.

    We need someone with balls to start blowing shit up in the South China seas because that’s what commies understand. Stalin hid under his bed for a week after the Germans send 4 million troops screaming across his front yard in Operation Barbarossa.

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