China: Trains grounded after flash support ends Jan. 12, 2021 – IOTW Report

China: Trains grounded after flash support ends Jan. 12, 2021

Born’s Tech and Windows World: [German]With support end for Adobe Flash at the end of 2020, the Flash player has stopped working on January 12, 2021. In China, this has led to trains coming to a halt because the operator was not able to use their train scheduling software due to the stopped Flash player – the software developers of this software wasn’t aware of the end of support.

Several media such as the German site Golem have reported that incident.This was noticed by journalist Tony Lin, who described it on Twitter. Lin’s tweets, which translated the official announcements in Chinese into English, are hilarious. Those responsible have identified the reason for the disruption as being that the American company Adobe has switched off its Flash. more

ht  Inigo Montoya 

11 Comments on China: Trains grounded after flash support ends Jan. 12, 2021

  1. Ain’t that tooo bad!! I’ve had Adobe Flash on my PC for years, kept getting notices that it was no longer being supported for months ahead of time. Serves these fucktards right! ;^)

  2. “…operator was not able to use their train scheduling software…”

    It was their software that used flash. It was part of their scheduling program. Probably not so new, either.
    I don’t know what the software is, but I’ll betcha that they aren’t registered users of it.
    that is what they do

  3. It would be nice if Gates and the rest of the cocksukery would spend their time blowing open ChYna’s internet and pissing off the citizens until they revolted & killed every CCP official but the cocksucker is busy fucking his own birth nation.

    He must jerk off to a picture of Turdo before bed every nite.


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