China’s Crackdown On Muslims – IOTW Report

China’s Crackdown On Muslims

TheMuslimIssue- Crackdown: The report on Uigher protests that broke relations between China and Australia.

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Xinjiang province has long been the site of ethnic tensions between the Uighur population and Chinese rule. Amid fears that fanatical Uighurs are aligning with foreign extremists, the state crackdown is fiercer than ever.  MORE

9 Comments on China’s Crackdown On Muslims

  1. Revelation 16:12

    “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

    “The PRC issued warnings that the Allied forces should keep their distance, and beginning in October 1950 troops from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army began to cross the border to assist their North Korean ally. Their numbers grew to around 300,000 by early November. Some bloody encounters occurred between the Chinese and ROK and U.S. forces, but the Chinese troops suddenly broke off offensive operations on November 6. This spurred MacArthur, who had always discounted the military effectiveness of the Chinese troops, to propose a massive new offensive by U.S. and ROK forces. Alternately referred to as the “End the War” or “Home by Christmas” offensive, the attack began on November 24. The offensive almost immediately encountered heavy resistance, and by November 26 the Chinese were launching destructive counterattacks along a 25-mile front. By December, U.S. and ROK forces had been pushed out of North Korea”

    Muslims are pulling the dragon’s tale.

  2. Hopefully amidst the roar of Political Correctness we start listening to the voices that say it’s OK to step on cockroaches who are hell-bent on destruction and taking over! Some herds are just fucked up beyond all recognition and need to be thinned out!

  3. I again reccomend watching tje youtube video of Yuri Bezmenov, former Russian kgb/diplomat where he says Russia will never ever be invaded by these savages because they control their borders.

  4. Yet here is Putin cozing up with Iran and helping them get nukes. And I remember a few years ago muzzies killing and blowing up people and sh!t in Russia, especially Georgia – is Georgia still Russian – too lazy to look it up. So Putin is not being too bright about the muzzies. He thinks if he’s their friend against their mutual favorite enemy – America – that the Ayatolla will “be his friend.” Nyet!

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