China’s Manufacturing Continues to Plummet Under ‘Xiconomics’ – IOTW Report

China’s Manufacturing Continues to Plummet Under ‘Xiconomics’

Breitbart: China’s manufacturing activity slowed again in November, casting a pall over what the state-run Global Times awkwardly dubbed “Xiconomics,” the economic agenda of dictator Xi Jinping. 

The Global Times was all smiles as it reverently reported on Xi’s “exciting” inspection tour of Shanghai, praising the maximum leader for his focus on “high-quality financial development, scientific and technological (sci-tech) innovation, and improvement of people’s livelihood.”

“The inspection trip offered yet another strong signal of the country’s top economic development priorities and profound encouragement to businesses and workers in the main economic hub and across the country, at a critical juncture when the country pursues high-quality development and Chinese modernization amid major shifts in the international geo-economic landscape,” the Global Times gushed.

“The General Secretary’s trip to Shanghai shows that the top leadership of the central government pays great attention to financial and sci-tech development. Shanghai is relatively advanced in these aspects and is also in a critical period of development,” said Shanghai University of Finance and Economics professor Xi Junyuang, striving diligently to make that “sci-tech” coinage happen. more

9 Comments on China’s Manufacturing Continues to Plummet Under ‘Xiconomics’

  1. “Only because we can’t afford to buy anything except groceries and housing.”
    Is that so, how come were I live everyone is driving brand new vehicles. Not low end ones either. Someone told a friend who then told me, If some lazy asses get a job instead of trying to live off the gummermint & their subsidies, all of America will be better off. Of course there are the red states that still live by trickle down you pantleg economics which is complete bullshit. The rich get richer & tell everyone else to fuckoff. Cry about it but have no viable solutions. But the real kick in the pants, they support their party who’s leaders give themselves a pay raise who lie like used car salesmen & do pretty much nothing else, lie, lie, lie & lie again. Oh but our FUCKING liars are so much better than your liars. BULLSHIT!

  2. Well, I’m a manufacturer and I can tell you this, China’s economy hinges on manufacturing. Trump hurt them bad with his raw material sanctions, many of which are still in place. Captain Brain dead has killed the general manufacturing economy domestically. What’s left is Military/Aerospace. And you can’t use anything China due to DFAR regulations so yea, China kinda fucked themselves by aiding in Bidens appointment.


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