China’s Social Credit System Humiliates ‘Deadbeats’ with Embarrassing Ringtone – IOTW Report

China’s Social Credit System Humiliates ‘Deadbeats’ with Embarrassing Ringtone


China’s “social credit” system–a dystopian surveillance nightmare that monitors people in countless ways and automatically dishes out punishments for poor citizenship and political dissidence–is humiliating “discredited individuals” by forcing them to use an embarrassing ringtone on their cell phones.

The South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday that most people with low social credit scores were labeled “discredited” or “deadbeats” because they have debt problems. The most widely reported punishment meted out by the computerized system is restricted travel privileges. Many of the subjects learn they have slipped into the worst category, known as laolai, when they attempt to board an airplane and are turned away at the gate.

The SCMP pointed out that many other indignities are heaped upon the laolai, such as forcing them to ride on special slow trains, banning them from renting hotel rooms–and, most bizarrely, forcing them to use a special ringtone that embarrasses them every time they receive a phone call in public.

Australia’s ABC News said the ringtone sounds like a siren and is accompanied by a verbal message cautioning callers to be “careful in their business dealings” with the alleged deadbeat.

ABC News reported on another over-the-top aspect of the social credit system: an app running on WeChat that generates a map with a radar-style graphic overlay that “pings” every laolai around the user. The app is commonly known as the “Deadbeat Map.”  It gets worse

21 Comments on China’s Social Credit System Humiliates ‘Deadbeats’ with Embarrassing Ringtone

  1. Thank God for the Bill of Rights. This is a clear case of the “right to privacy”. Which right has been so abused as to gi e cover for the murdering of babies but I digress.

  2. As bad as China’s public shaming goes, I do miss that it seems that too many Americans feel no shame — over anything. We used to have a long list of social mores, a standard of behaving and treating each other that has disappeared down the communist rabbit hole of post-modern relativism. Just when you think you’d seen it all and your ability to be shocked by anything seems to have evaporated, a fresh hell appears on the horizon. I read here yesterday about sex dolls with a child’s features and it wasn’t advertised in the back pages of a cheap porn magazine, but on the world’s largest online retailer. People who occupy (what used to be) the most august institutions of our country, are fighting for the right to murder people under cover of a legal definition of what a baby is. We have Constitutional rights that were so important to the very definition of what America is — contrasted against what is important to Communist China — that they are in the very first Amendment and, yet, the feds and states are always passing new legislation to protect them. Think about that. The Founders couldn’t have been more clear about the source of our rights — Nature and Nature’s God. No where in our founding documents is there any language about rights secured by ordinary (and corruptible) people.

    POTUS Trump seems to be setting some of the major planks of his 2020 stump by calling out the injustice and the unjust in our gov’t and just like his 2016 stump, we will soon be talking out loud about some things that need to be talked about. I am so ready.

  3. I’m sorry to be contrarian here, but I’m kind of missing some of the shaming of irresponsible behavior. I do not wish for a totalitarian regime, but our country not only has no debtors prisons, but the television tells them to use our legal system to enrich themselves, and if the settlement payments come too slowly, that they can get CASH NOW! Get the payments YOU DESERVE! Sorry. The only context in which the term YOU DESERVE is in the punishment context. You don’t DESERVE anything other than the opportunity to work hard and earn the results of your efforts.

    Can we admit that we have deadbeats, layabouts and malcontents in this country that could use some public shaming? Instead, rather than having to use food stamps, they use a government debit card.

    It’s way too easy to be a leech in America. Debtors are now victims of predatory lenders, rather than irresponsible jackasses that know that they can game the system.

    Sorry, but, some shaming is what is required to make sure we all play on a level playing field.

    All of us who go to work and play by the rules subsidize the gamers of the system.

    Smack me back. I await the argument.

  4. Way back in the 1980s and 1990s, if you were a scofflaw, a deadbeat, a check kiter, a drag on society, you were a pariah and a lawbreaker. You deserved to be scorned and probably prosecuted.

    Now, you’re celebrated as downtrodden. Or made Chairman of the Democrat National Committee.

  5. One of my first jobs was working at a personal loan company as assistant manager (read: glorified debt collector). I have never heard so many whiny evasions, lame excuses, and downright lies before or since then. I would have KILLED to have been able to apply some of these social penalties to the shameless deadbeats I had to try to deal with on a daily basis.

    Sock it to ’em, Chinks. More power to ya!


  6. I work with young gen-y’ers that wilt at the most benign criticism.
    “Sticks and stones” is no longer applicable.
    Of course there are still those that use sticks and stones (looking at you muzzies) so that generation is going the way of the Dodo.

  7. For our society to function properly we all must conduct ourselves by certain standards. The social contract has served this country well for the last 200 years but with the uncontrolled mass immigration of recent decades all that has been erased. We are living through the death rattles of the republic.

  8. “I’ve heard ringtones on people’s phones where they humiliate themselves. They’re just to stupid to realize it.”

    Lol rap ringtones at the DMV, especially when coming from one of the “extra wide” chairs


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