China’s Terrifying Social Credit System – IOTW Report

China’s Terrifying Social Credit System

Silicon Valley on steroids, with government backing.

15 Comments on China’s Terrifying Social Credit System

  1. Too many sheeple in the world who are lazy about looking further into issues than the headlines.
    The leftists who now control the dem party and the media and Silicon Valley will promote this type of thing like it’s a wonderful innovation.
    This is one of the reasons I will never have one of those Google Home or Alexa Dot things in my home.

  2. – Beachmom, I am right there with you but just NOT allowing Alexa in will not stop them. They will be listening from outside, they will have cameras everywhere – pretty much do in most larger cities already. Almost all new LED Streetlamps also contain cameras and have audio sensors allowing them to listen and software triangulation of sounds to pin-point locations from multiple streetlamp input.

  3. My kids just roll their eyes when I warn them about stuff like this. I guess all the current crop of “geniuses” in the world will continue to roll their eyes until it’s too late. Should have listened.

  4. …if you REALLY want a SiFi commentary on modern events @Groucho Marxist, just watch “The Drumhead” episode of Star Trek: TNG with President Trump as Picard and Russians for Romulains, and you’ll see the future predicted in a way the Star Trek folks definitely did NOT intend…

    Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Drumhead

  5. I spent some time this weekend reading the Terms of Service for Facebook, Twitter and Google. You know, that annoying thing no one reads except to find the “I accept” button to get rid of it.

    Yikes. Basically, you give these social media giants, and their “partners,” the right to run through your electronic life as they choose. They all justify this as necessary to “improve their services,” but essentially they aren’t satisfied to data mine the information you provide on their platforms – they want to data mine everything you keep in any format on any electronic device. You may claim you have a right to privacy, but by clicking on “I accept,” you gave it away.

    The technology is already here. The young people in particular are already conditioned to being tracked and monitored. All that remains are politicians willing to take the next step and use the force of law to control behavior – and we just elected some of those politicians to office.

    Time to dig my tin foil hat out of storage.

  6. So, China has taken the disparate social ranking system we have here which includes variables like…

    FICO Score
    Credit Bureau scores
    Credit History
    Criminal Record
    Arrest Record
    School Records
    Civil Court Records
    Home Address
    Social Media History

    …and, of course, none of these could be mistaken nor tweaked by people looking to screw you over.


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