Chinese Bank Stops Iranian Oil Transactions Ahead of US Sanctions – IOTW Report

Chinese Bank Stops Iranian Oil Transactions Ahead of US Sanctions

Geller Report: Here yet again we see the Trump effect. In placing new sanctions upon the Islamic Republic of Iran, the US was sending a message to other governments: choose. Choose which country you’d rather do business with — America or Iran.

Even China, which is America’s global competitor in so many ways, is choosing the US, as this story indicates. President Trump has been proven correct again and again, and all he gets in response is vituperation and abuse, and impeachment if the Democrats win the House, plus removal from office if they win the Senate. Don’t let that happen. Vote.  more here

5 Comments on Chinese Bank Stops Iranian Oil Transactions Ahead of US Sanctions

  1. I get the feeling that President Trump has been studying and taking notes for 20-30 years or more regarding how the world works and how it can function better with the correct policies in place. These aren’t off-the-cuff decisions he is making, they are too well thought out. Even small things that most people don’t realize are going on around us, he makes changes that tip the balance to benefit more than just Americans.

  2. @RickeyG
    Remember in his campaign speeches when he referred to his business friends as “killers”? They are in his cabinet now.
    Yes – they have been discussing this for years…


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