Chinese company is buying NJ university – IOTW Report

Chinese company is buying NJ university

Campus Reform:

Rider University signed an agreement in June 2018 to sell its second campus, Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ to Beijing Kaiwen Education Technology Co. Ltd., a Beijing-based education company. 

While Rider’s administration is facing two lawsuits challenging the legality of the sale, the school may end up following through with the agreement, with a transfer of ownership set to take place in July. This is despite the fact that the situation had to go as far as being investigated by the office of the NJ State Attorney General, only to find insufficient evidence for the sale to be illegal.

Earlier in 2019, Sen. Ted Cruz proposed legislation aimed at reducing China’s foothold in American universities using Confucius Institutes as a front for the Chinese Communist Party. These institutes receive funding from the Chinese government with the alleged goal of simply teaching about the ancient history and culture of China. But they have been caught on many campuses spreading Chinese government propaganda, as well as lies about the country’s human rights-repressive history, such as the Tiananmen Square Massacre. read more

17 Comments on Chinese company is buying NJ university

  1. I’m sure this is perfectly legitimate. They are just buying it to enable Asians to finally get accepted to a University instead of being denied in favor of other minorities. /s

  2. It will be an improvement. I hope they insist on a uniform dress code, morning PT, and an ROTC program. Just like good old China. That should shake the libtard snowflakes up pretty damn fast.
    And a marching band? Phuckit, why not?

  3. I hope that they are not buying it for intellectual properties, licences, patents etc. Remember universities don’t just make money from overpriced tuition. There often are residuals and income from inventions etc.

    Wasn’t Edison labs in New Jersey? Sorry, but I’m not an American and don’t recall.

    If so, Trump should tell them FUCK OFF! Our intellectual property!

  4. I don’t get it. The chicoms are already sending legions of their students to get “educated” in our universities, why not just build their own universities…IN CHINA???

  5. MJA…You can’t mention a New Jersey Town without informing

    (commie joke) Everybody which exit is it on..

    It’s Friday…and the Bar is open !

    P.S. I’ll probably try to stab one of you later…Just say

    “Oh He’s just drunk and doesn’t mean it”

  6. The Tong meets the Mob? NJ is a good place for it
    as it’s already run by commies.
    I do suggest you keep careful count of your kids organs
    if you send them there.


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