Chinese Military-Linked Firm Gathers American DNA, Provides COVID Tests – IOTW Report

Chinese Military-Linked Firm Gathers American DNA, Provides COVID Tests China is “developing the world’s largest bio database,” said Edward You, who is the U.S. national counterintelligence officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies. “Once they have access to your genetic data, it’s not something you can change like a pin code.”

Racing to dominate the bioeconomy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is compiling a massive database of medical, health, and genetic information from people around the world, including Americans.

The CCP enlists the help of private companies to aid in gathering genetic data, which can be combined with top military supercomputing capabilities, to discover genetic weaknesses in a population. Bioweapons can then be developed, which prey on these weaknesses. As part of Beijing’s military-civil fusion policy, Chinese scientists, along with the military, have been conducting research in the areas of brain science, gene editing, and the creation of artificial genomes.

Similar research could be used to enhance the performance of Chinese soldiers. BGI Group, formerly Beijing Genomics Institute, is the leader of the CCP’s genome project, as well as one of the leading producers of COVID-19 tests. BGI also has ties to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), according to a Jan. 30 report by Reuters.

BGI operates the largest pig cloning project in the world. After manipulating generations of pig DNA, intentionally producing pigs that are smaller or larger, more susceptible to certain diseases, or less susceptible to others, the CCP is zeroing in on the ability to produce “super soldiers.” Among the projects currently underway is BGI’s attempt to make China’s Han ethnic soldiers less susceptible to altitude sickness. read more

19 Comments on Chinese Military-Linked Firm Gathers American DNA, Provides COVID Tests

  1. Cheers to those stupid Facks that give a way their DNA to check the family tree or whatever BS. I ask those that did, before these retarded ancestry companies came out did you really give a Fack about your precious family tree ? I will not even do it for my dogs, I have pitbulls and don’t need them gettin jammed up for some other facked up dogs behavior issues just because they may be the same breed. God almighty how are these people so so stupid

  2. My brother and I went to visit a sister in hospice and as we weren’t vaccinated, they gave us a Rapid Test to test ourselves.
    You guessed it, MADE in CHINA.

    First they give us the virus and then sell us the test kits and worthless masks. What a scam.

  3. If you want to do a dna test use CRI genetics.
    Privately owned by one of the scientists who invented the tests and privately owned servers.
    All the others are publicly traded and/ or on public servers.

    All the CCP involvement in US companies started being exposed and dealt with by Trump.
    It’s why traitors like GW Bush hate him.

  4. On the radio Yesterday:

    They told any Canadian athletes going over to compete to bring ONLY a BURNER PHONE. It will get compromised by ChYnA’s Interrigence Savice and loaded with spyware. Guaranteed!

    They were told, destroy the phone when you are done with it, be very careful what you say & text on it and assume that everything is being data mined.

    “Consider it the Olympics of Cyber Hacking as well as the Olympics” was they analysts statement.

    And these fuckers got 2 recent Olympics 2008 & 2022

    Not Watching

  5. The CCP enlists the help of private companies to aid in gathering genetic data, which can be combined with top military supercomputing capabilities

    And you people (you know who you are) said that opening free trade with China wouldn’t westernize them. They’re as free west, private enterprise, as capitalism can be!

  6. Keep in mind that Joe Biden’s “free N95” masks are saturated in biogen material and his “free cv tests” are manipulated to give false-positive results. Keep in mind also that both those masks and test kits are manufactured at slave labor factories and infested with infectious material at the behest of the sinister CCP and their Wuhan Virus-released military labs.

  7. Every time you get lab work done, they have your DNA and you do not know what the lab does with the samples after testing. You have no control over your DNA once they draw your blood.


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