Chinese Military Rocket Disintegrates Over Texas – IOTW Report

Chinese Military Rocket Disintegrates Over Texas

A Chinese military rocket disintegrated over Texas on Wednesday, USNI News reported.

The rocket, which was launched from China, delivered military surveillance satellites to space in June and made its way back to earth on Wednesday over the United States. WATCH: h/t Brad.

17 Comments on Chinese Military Rocket Disintegrates Over Texas

  1. Root cause of crash? Poor structural integrity in the aluminum fuselage. Full of blow holes and porosity.
    Just wait until their Top Line fighters need to go into action. They’ll be folding in half.

  2. They may have the same engineering analysis tools we have here in the USA but they don’t have the understanding and expertise to properly assess the results…. which is something we are losing daily as us old people are retiring and corporations are outsourcing the jobs to cheap overseas labor instead of investing in the next generation so we don’t break the chain of knowledge.

  3. Jethro

    A few American aluminum suppliers have set up manufacturing facilities in China. To American specs and test procedures. Essentially producing the same awesome product we do here. They’ve all shut down. In fact they were short lived. The reason is they hired local Chicom citizens to run their opps and they spent more time selling product out the back door than trying to make a success out of the operation. At the blessing of the CCP of course. Here’s the ironic part. Those stupid fxcks never captured the process.
    We can’t use the crap, not DFAR compliant. But to this day their product is as I described above.
    Also thanks to DJT their product is still much more expensive than domestic. That’s one of the reasons their economy is circling the drain.

  4. @Brad
    The company I work for did the same thing. Both Mexico and China. Both have been complete clusters.
    Now they are doing it again in India and Vietnam.
    East Alco had an aluminum production factory not far from me in Frederick MD. They shut it down during the obummer era.

  5. To contrast my experiences with Mexico and China factories…
    In China, you have to hold onto the person you are instructing and force them to repeat what you asked to be sure they understand, or they will run away without fully understanding the task and make a mess out of it.
    In Mexico, getting anyone to do anything is like pushing rope.

  6. Never, I said NEVER underestimate Preznit Shitpants’ ability to make all things FUBAR, even that which is beyond him, simply because his ass sits in the most important chair in the world.

    It was bad enough that we slid down 8 years of an “empty chair” (supposedly) as that overgrown retarded-adolescent dufus choomed his time away on an Oval Office couch, reeking of skidmark,
    but now the world’s rudder is in the hands of an adulter, pedophile, IDIOT, megalomaniac, lifelong LIAR who has accomplished NOTHING legitimate with his own hands (unless you give him credit for molesting his granddaughter).


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