Chinese Officials Profit Off Mass Testing: Recording – IOTW Report

Chinese Officials Profit Off Mass Testing: Recording

NTD: Beijing says its strict virus testing requirements aim to completely rid China of COVID-19. But is that the only goal? A leaked audio clip reportedly capturing a conversation with a Chinese expert reveals a different take—that Chinese Communist Party leaders are driving it to bring in profit. WATCH

h/t Jon McGreevey-US Senate candidate MD 2022

4 Comments on Chinese Officials Profit Off Mass Testing: Recording

  1. According to webmd, China is using anal swabs in addition to nasal and throat swabs to help test for the presence of the coronavirus.

    Shouldn’t the headline read: “Chinese Officials Profit Off Ass Testing”?

  2. (is the patient SURE that’s a swab, and not “something else” being stuck up their ass?)

  3. That CCP Xi-Peoples’ Liberation Army twerking guy has lied about everything and shows how dishonorable he really is. Fact is every “test” has been manufactured by the lowlife’s slave factories, are sub-standard, and are engineered to give false-positive results. His supposed “virus testing” is as sinister as his deliberately infecting his own people followed by a pretentious “quarantine” and sending 2 covid-infected Chinese citizens to Italy for the purposes of circulating the disease. His is a show of false and deliberate actions so that he can engage the plausible deniability factor. The guy is an effin walking sewage tank, nothing more.

  4. Somebody is screwing with a downtown Spokane restaurant signboard which reads now hiring all POS which should read now hiring all positions. I wonder how soon they will have to change that sign. I thought it was funny, it makes me wonder if I really want to stop and eat there.

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