Chipotle facing criminal charges after outbreak – IOTW Report

Chipotle facing criminal charges after outbreak


TheHornNews– Chipotle said it has been subpoenaed as part of a federal criminal investigation and that sales plummeted 30 percent in December after a series of food scares at its restaurants.

The company said in a regulatory filing it was asked to produce a broad range of documents tied to a norovirus outbreak this summer at its restaurant in Simi Valley, California, but declined to provide further details.

It said the investigation does not involve a more recent E. coli outbreak tied to its restaurants or a separate norovirus outbreak in Boston.  MORE


18 Comments on Chipotle facing criminal charges after outbreak

  1. ‘It also vowed changes to step up food safety at its restaurants, in part by tweaking its cooking methods and increasing testing of meat and produce.’

    They can fix it by firing the illegal aliens they knowing hire who have no idea of proper hygiene and sanitation.

  2. There is nothing wrong with Mexican food, especially Tex-mex.
    Like all food though, it has to be prepared by modern human beings rather than reprobate hipsters using methods discarded as unsafe hundreds of years ago.
    Modern farming and cooking methods were developed due to this exact scenario.
    Many people find becoming violently ill or dying to be an undesirable side effect of eating.

  3. Adsupply is causing it and a lot of other problems, like the text box freezing, dropped keystrokes and a post failing to get accepted.
    I know the revenue is needed, but Adsupply is intent on making people hate whoever advertises with them.

  4. So a few people got sick at a Mexican restaurant and fed gov is involved? What is the political motive?

    Hey people get this, doctors and nurses and food handlers and even the cleaning ladies at your local hospital do not wash their hands as often as they should, and when they do wash many of them do not do it correctly.
    C. difficile
    VRE (Vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
    resistant Gram-negative infections

    So where is the DOJ on about 100,000 deaths a year due to hospital acquired infections?

    (And those blue gloves they wear are for their protection not yours.)

  5. I don’t know about all that but the epilepsy inducing flashing ad is awful.
    What I do know is, iOTW is experiencing a big problem with it’s operation.
    Is it the ads? Inquiring minds want to know.
    The ads won’t do much good if they cause people to not come back, eh?

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