Newsmax: If the stress of the current pandemic has you reaching for chocolate, a new review may give you just the excuse you need.
The study found that people who ate one or more servings of chocolate a week were up to 10% less likely to have heart disease than people who ate less or no chocolate weekly.
Unfortunately, these findings don’t mean you can eat chocolate with abandon. more
SNIP: The hell I can’t! Mind your business, Sir!
Everything in moderation.
Well, there is the added guilt for wanting to eat white chocolate on an oreo cookie with cracker jacks and some raisons in the sun….
anyone else’s comments getting randomly blocked? not on all threads, just some … including ‘thumbs up’
been happening to me for the last 2 nights
… cleared history, restarted …. blah, blah, blah ….i
goddamm xfinity block, probably
“The hell I can’t! Mind your business, Sir!”
This explains your bizarre hours, MJA!
(Yes, Molon. I chocked it up to BFH learning how to code.)
“Chocolate May Help Your Heart”
Depends on who it’s from.
@Jimmy ~ lol, I just remembered this happened a year or 2 ago … it’s something that I must be typing, or phrasing, that’s incompatible w/ the BFH coding
… I can post a quick, pithy quip … but not a long rant
on second thought … maybe that’s a good thing
…. getting back to chocolate ….
read that eating chocolate released the same pheromones (or whatever they call those things that trip your trigger) in women as in a sexual orgasm … I mean, I like chocolate … it just don’t make me shimmy like my sister Kate 😉
@Molon – For me, it all started with that muffins piece. I couldn’t post anything with the word ‘muffin’ in it. I tried and tried and concluded that it had a disallowed pr0N word embedded in it. The whole thread, in fact, has no use of the word, which I took to be proof.
(If this posts, there goes my theory!)
Molon- I found one of your comments in the trash and replaced it. That was all there was.
@Μολων Λαβε – I think you’re thinking of endorphins. Chocolate stimulates endorphin production. The stuff attaches to brain pleasure receptors and with enough of them you get the giggles.
The name, I’ve read, comes from shortening “endogenous morphine” because the stuff is chemically related to that opioid.
A number of years ago, a group did a research project and were able to say dark chocolate was healthy for you. They knew it was just a correlation in their study, since they had tracked 29 different attributes, but they were actually trying to prove that news reporters were ignorant. They sent their “report” to many news outlets and professional journals and most published the report as written. Remember when the magazines all said to eat dark chocolate? Wonder if this is the same thing.
I’ve also read that the benefits from chocolate come from the cacao content, and the darker the chocolate the better. All that cocoa butter (or veg. oil) and sugar and condensed milk are delicious additions but don’t do your heart any favors.
Chocolate Sunday Shake:
Vanilla Ice Cream (of your choice)
Walnuts, or other
U-bet chocolate syrup – go lightly!
(2-3) table spoons of PEANUT BUTTER –
(4-6) cups of milk
A dash of cinnamon
A DROP of vanilla extract
Put it ALL in a blender and then DRINK IT but not in one ‘shot’, sip it finely. You can drink it on the rocks but I do not personally ‘add anything to the rocks’ but I would think it might be interesting?
Allergy alert, so don’t drink it then!
@MJA ~ ” I found one of your comments in the trash … “
very, very nice of you …. but, then again, probably most of my comments belong in the trash …. 😜 🤪
ghost – that frappe recipe sounds terrific. I would suggest “chocolate syrup to taste” – you know, like “salt to taste.”
(I’m into lactose-free milk at 69 years-old after giving up milk for 20+ years.)
My pancreas has already voted in this poll…
JULY 24, 2020 AT 10:32 PM
“… I can post a quick, pithy quip … but not a long rant”
…WHAT!?! That may be well and good for you folks that CAN be direct and incisive, but I always have to go through the garden, down the lane, in the mud room, past the water heater, contemplate the age of the plumbing, back up to the kitchen, fix a snack, find out there’s no mayo, bitch about THAT, rant about how there’s no good mayo any more, then out into the dini
@ghost — about that Chocolate Sunday Shake. You forgot the rum. (-:
@Uncle Al – should I give up the U-bet syrup for real dark chocolate?
The thing is, I’m a beer drinker, so that concoction is a during the day thing…as in after a nice spaghetti and meatball lunch, which is my fave.
IF you have real balls, ha ha not YOU, try putting a raw egg in. The protein in that thing is CRAZY.
Forgot to mention, 1/4 cup of NUTS, topped off.
most recipes can be improved by adding either more chocolate or more garlic. Either, but not both.
Learned that when I learned to cook.
” I think you’re thinking of endorphins. Chocolate stimulates endorphin production.”
Al…it doesn’t matter how much chocolate those poor endorphins eat, the Japanese are still gonna’ trap them in their big fishing nets with all the tuna and other sea creatures.
@Aaron Burr — That’s sad enough to make a mime wail blues. Where’s the Rainbow Worrier when you need it?
Today’s koan: What is the sound of one troll trawling?
Dark chocolate is the bomb, milk chocolate not so much. 😉