Chocolate Milk is Coming Back! – IOTW Report

Chocolate Milk is Coming Back!

Breitbart: Donald Trump Dumps Michelle O’s Lunch Rule and Brings Chocolate Milk Back to Lunchrooms.

The Trump administration is ending yet another of Michelle Obama’s hated, overly strict school lunch rules by bringing chocolate milk back to school lunch menus.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Thursday announced a new rule set to take effect on July 1 after the period of public comment. The new rule relaxes sodium limits and Obama’s whole-grain requirements. The rule will also allow milk with one percent fat back on the menu, ABC News reported.


“Schools need flexibility in menu planning so they can serve nutritious and appealing meals,” Perdue said this week. “Schools want to offer food that students actually want to eat. It doesn’t do any good to serve nutritious meals if they wind up in the trash can.”

Perdue has been dismissing Michelle Obama’s signature school lunch rules all year.

“This is not reducing the nutritional standards whatsoever,” Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said in May when announcing the Agriculture Department’s intention to bring chocolate milk back to schools. “I wouldn’t be as big as I am today without flavored milk.”  read more

28 Comments on Chocolate Milk is Coming Back!

  1. May I have a bowl of barley and okra, please? No kid said ever.

    I love it that the administration is hitting the Delete button so often and with malice. It’ll be like obama never existed.

  2. I lived on peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches on white bread washed down with a bottle (yes, I’m that old) of chocolate milk for lunch thoughout my elementary school years and turned out just fine.

  3. OMG, those poor children….being forced to lunch on all that unhealthy junk food. And then being forced to wash it all down with ‘gasp’ chocolate milk of all things. Barbaric.
    And what about all those soon to be out of work kale and brocholli farmers? Sad.
    SAID NO ONE EVER. Up yours Mooch.

  4. My kids wouldn’t have drank milk at all if it wasn’t for chocolate milk and of course cereal. I always let them have cereal for breakfast because all of my kids hated milk and it was the only way to get any milk down them. They didn’t think of chocolate milk as milk. lol

  5. Next on deck-
    Abolish all national control and money. All these things should be local when it comes to schooling.
    Take back the outcome of the product.
    I’m also for having the kids clean the schools and learn how to work.
    And while we are at it, I’m for vouchers for all.
    Free market MAGA


    Ever been to Japan? Korea? They serve ACTUAL food. It’s not made by the food service worker’s union. That is CRAP!
    Cold oily tater tots
    Smushed grilled cheese sandwich
    Beanies and weinies
    Soggy pizza rectangle

    We’d be BETTER OFF engineering school kitchens so that restaurants can come in and CATER during lunch time. They have good menus, kids like it, and they actually eat it.

    “doesn’t do them any good if it winds up in the garbage can…” –BURN!

    *Now with legit email….

  7. This had nothing to do with kids or their needs and had everything to do with political donors to oblowme who got sweet no-bid contracts for their rotten food that would be fit for the pig pens.

    We had YEARS worth of kids taking cellphone pictures from all over the country showing the rotten meat, spoiled food, mold-covered breads, and bug infested/eaten food items that kids would post and yet NOTHING was done about.

    Thank God for President Trump!

  8. @Plain Jane, I’ve never understood the anti-whole milk crap. For much of my life my milk came straight from the cow. I still prefer it that way, but when I don’t have time to go to the dairy, I only buy whole pasteurized milk. You will never find homogenized milk, much less skim, 1% or 2% crap in my fridge. Yet I was never fat, none of my siblings were fat, neither were my children and they drank a lot of whole milk flavored with chocolate even if they didn’t think of it as milk. lol

    Somewhere along the way people moved away from balanced meals from all the food groups and exercise.

  9. Back in the early 90s, I was at a business lunch with my boss, his boss, and his boss along with several other people. Everyone ordered coffee, tea, and even beer. I ordered chocolate milk. My boss gave me a look like I had committed the biggest social blunder of all time.
    The top dog looked at my milk when it came and said it had been years since he had one and ordered one himself. By the end of lunch 4 more people were drinking CM (including my boss).

  10. Next, fix the gas caps. Then the incandescent lights.

    Roll back some of those overly ambitious fuel efficiency standards. And then allow Americans to ditch the low flow toilet if they so choose.

  11. I’m going over to my local Safeway in an hr. or so to get some chocolate milk just because I can. It’s been awhile but this morning I need some chocolate milk. I didn’t feel all that good yesterday and spent a lot of time sleeping so it’s choc. milk this morning to take away the funk. I hope I’m not getting the flu or a cold. And yes, I also have plenty of OJ and water, but choc. milk is better.

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