Chris Christie embodies everything that is wrong with modern politicians – IOTW Report

Chris Christie embodies everything that is wrong with modern politicians

The Dossier: Almost everyone has had a run-in with that teacher or professor.

You know, the guy who hasn’t accomplished a damn thing in his life other than to achieve a credential that affords him the ability to instruct you on what to think and what to do, largely because he’s part of the club.

He’s bitter, obnoxious, moves through life with a giant chip on his shoulder, communicates with everyone as if they are inferior to him, and carries around evidence of a completely obvious insecurity everywhere he goes.

He’s usually the paradoxical image of what he’s preaching. He’s the business professor without any experience in business. He’s the public speaking lecturer who has never been asked to deliver a public speech. He’s the health and wellness instructor who appears in a constant state of physical and mental illness. more here

21 Comments on Chris Christie embodies everything that is wrong with modern politicians

  1. It says there in Wikipedia (it’s trustworthy on stuff like this) that Fatso’s father was of “German, Scottish, and Irish descent” meaning he should run as a haggis.

    Wait, I take that back. He should be the running mate to a haggis.

  2. Donny is 1 Bigly Mac short of a full deck or stroke (please). Cheat’m on his golf course is all that he has left, well besides stuffin his FAT mouth with McD’s.
    Christy, the ONLY republican candidate with the GONADES, DeSantus PUSSY plum got Disneyed out, has dreams of Snow White & 7 gay dwarfs, sad, sad sad

  3. “You know, the guy who hasn’t accomplished a damn thing in his life …”

    Come on now, let’s be honest.
    How many people do you know that must buy that Size 86 belt for their flood pants ?
    Give rolypoly some credit!

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