Chris Christie Tells Trump To Ban Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Tells Trump To Ban Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell

Trump needs to ban Chris Christie.
Why isn’t he in jail (or in fat camp) for Bridgegate?

“Someone like Michael Flynn never belongs anywhere near the White House, let alone inside the Oval Office and his lawyer, Sidney Powell.”

33 Comments on Chris Christie Tells Trump To Ban Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell

  1. NJ has always been an unattended Superfund cleanup site.
    Look at the stupid shit it continues to burps up.

    The more Chubs Christy mouths off, the better creepy McGreevey looks.
    (look up McGreevey if you forgot about that POS)

  2. It seems like the RINOs, Republicucks, and Quislings just can’t come out of the woodwork fast enough these days, doesn”t it? Makes you wonder how these assholes ever got as far as they did in the first place.

  3. Last time he took advice from Crispy Cream he ended up with a worthless fuck like Bagpipe Bill Barr. I’d tell the doughnut vacuum to go pound some of that leftover sand up his ass.

  4. No fat jokes or comments here as I prefer to judge him on the nature of his character and the actions thereof.

    Mr. Christie the only way you’ll ever see the White House again will require a ticket.

  5. Chrispy girth is only an issue because it is proof that he has no control of his mouth.

    He eats and speaks without putting any thought to consequence.
    He is another lawyer who’s lost sight of his toes and his ethics.

  6. He can’t get elected or appointed to anything because he’s a fat, dumb, pos.

    So he go’s the never trumper route because that’s the only way he can get himself on tv.

    But you know what? He doesn’t think any different than the majority of elected republicans. He’s just the only one of them that comes right out and says it.

    the republican party will never ever save you from anything.

  7. I was disgusted when 0bama landed in NJ after the hurricane and Christie went bouncing to the airport to pick him up and hug him like he was a takeout order. “Ohhhh what was he supposed to do? He needed 0bama to send him money to rebuild..” said the retardican blogs. First of all, the fucking Congress gives out the cash. Second, OTHER states got $$$ for the storms and were quite calm about it. Christie practically licked 0bama like a fudge popsicle.

    Roll that greasy POS in flour and ship him to the starving motherfuckers in the ‘Zuelas.


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